For once this is not Barack Obama's fault. So listen dear children in what this is really about.

Rush Limbaugh several years ago started lying about ethanol which funds farmers and rural states and not terrorists. I outlined his lies on Newsbusters as his data about combining the cost of this is like mining coal to generate the electricity for the heat to make this fuel.
It is like you saying it cost a billion dollars to bake a cookie if you take into account oil wells, farms, electric generators, mining etc.
You decide why Limbaugh has been attacking poor rural people who are getting money instead of OPEC oil terrorists.

My blog made Limbaugh shut up about this as Roger Hedgecock was in on this smear campaign too.Do not think I'm anti oil, because I would love America to use Sarah Palin drill baby drill, but there is an financial element which wants that ethanol money and they are the New York banks and Rockefeller oil accounts and not in rural areas, and that group funnels money to Rush Limbaugh and others through Operation Mockingbird as they have for a generation.

Limbaugh apparently was stewing on this for years as he started in on farmers and ranchers in subsidies months ago, and I frankly will not allow the poor to be smeared and turned into slaves, as that is what America did to farmers in cheap food policy and it ruined all these noble farmers and ranchers.

So my blog started exposing Limbaugh's subsidies and the one which was focused upon was his private jet, as it is all taxpayer funded and Limbaugh and his around $12 million in taxes, he should be paying deductions for that jet, flights to Joplin hawking his tea which has scrutinized the Tea Party while whoring the American Soldiers who died as Heroes and as a business man Limbaugh is the most subsidized person around, and he is smearing farmers who have worked their entire lives as wage slaves.

My blog is monitored as this site is by the Obama regime. They saw that jet subsidy and quite brilliantly never mentioned Limbaugh, but knew it would skewer the GOP and it's big guns.So Rush Limbaugh is to blame and he started this bitching about American poor farmers feeding all of America and cheap food as slaves, as those combined trillions of the super banks, oil barons and all they glean from Obama spending is just not enough, they need the few dollars rural Americans earn too.

That is the story in this and Obama actually used a Conservative blog in pointing out Limbaugh's hypocrisy and turned it back on Boehner's GOP, and this is all Rush Limbaugh's fault.

Rush Limbaugh is no different than Barack Obama in being a gatekeeper of the elite to manage crowd control. Limbaugh is clothed in Reagan to camouflage his paying Elton John, a sodomite Jesus basher $1 million dollars to entertain him. You can go down the list of the fraud of Limbaugh and he is no Ronald Reagan, no more than Roger Ahles at FOX is Reaganite in bashing Obama all of the times for Rupert Murdoch.

Everything the GOP engineered was stymied by Rush Limbaugh's vendetta he started against poor American Farmers and Ranchers. The Obama regime simply took the information and crafted it into the one bright idea they have had. When corporate America and the air industry figure out that Limbaugh is to blame for this, instead of this smokescreen directed at Obama………well that would be the start of a most appropriate reckoning in the power elite as Limbaugh's chickens come home to roost.

Rush Limbaugh started this and now the financial end in Mockingbird is being exposed in who funds all of this really.He had to change his ways a few years ago, and he just couldn't leave the poor alone and had to go and bully kick sand at them again for the cartels.

Enjoy the saga as this has only started.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tracy Collins and i'm a writer and an internet entrepreneur.My business website: , My contact info: