I’ve seen a shift within the past few years. The “win-at-any-cost” mentality, which has prevailed for over the last twenty years, is changing. Thank goodness! Most of my clients are now seeking a simpler way of life, a deeper connection within themselves and within their family unit. More and more people are opting for a quiet, enjoyable evening at home with family than a night on the town. Some, I’m glad to hear, are taking self-awareness or enrichment classes. Many have begun meditating or praying. Certainly, our economic status may be one of the causes bringing about these changes, but I’m seeing that many people, even those holding stable jobs, are searching for that deeper personal connection that can only be found when one questions his role in the great scheme of things.
People speculate why our world is changing so dramatically and they wonder where they will fit in, what their role will be, and where their lives are headed. Many, even those who are accomplished in their fields, wonder whom they want to be when they grow up. Most state a deep-seated desire to fulfill a predetermined destiny but just as many are uncertain of what that destiny actually is. How can you begin the journey if you don’t know where you’re headed? Without having a clearly planned goal many people wouldn’t put energy into this quest. Without payback, why put energy into a gamble? The answers are, and have always been, inside you.
You’re here on Earth, in this lifetime, to progress. It’s plain and simple. The yearning felt is that longing to return to your original self – the You that is acceptable just as you are. The yearning is your desire to return to the soul purpose that you planned prior to your birth. You’re being spiritually nudged back to your roots. Maybe you’re feeling that your life purpose has changed. Or, maybe you’ve always known your purpose but life took over and diverted you from achieving it. When you seek true fulfillment, something stirs your soul. You know within your heart that you’ve found your calling. This is what you’re here for. This is what you planned prior to birth. This seemingly new idea is your soul path attempting to right itself.
There are things in our lives that we wish for our entire life, and yet these things seem out of our reach. We may not have time to devote to a new project or maybe we don’t have the time and/or money to go back to school to realize a childhood dream. If you’ve held that desire your entire life you can be certain that it’s part of your original plan. You may find that, for one reason or another, you happen to find yourself unfulfilled in a position that once empowered you. You may even be facing the loss of your job. These occurrences do not happen by chance. You’re put into these situations so that you’re able to put into practice those long-lost desires.
What is it that you’ve always dreamed of becoming? What have you always wanted to do? What does your soul yearn for? Most find that when they begin working on their new life project, other things in their lives also fall into place. In turn, the positive energy you are emitting attracts to you situations that help you to realize your goal. When you begin to notice the subtle synchronicities that reinforce your decision, you’ll know within your heart that you’re on the right path.
Experiencing paranormal and spiritual phenomenon for more than five decades, Lisa began seeing spirit at the young age of four years. Around the age of six Lisa knew there was more to this world than what we see in the here and now. Information was imparted to Lisa about living multiple lifetimes and thus began her deeper understanding of the spiritual realm, reincarnation, and the possibility of communication with those in-between lives.
Today, Lisa’s communication with departed loved ones and ancestors have touched thousands of people worldwide. Lisa is a Survival Evidence Medium, meaning she is able to bridge the gap between that of the living and the dead by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages and proven facts.
Lisa has written countless articles, which have been featured on websites, in print magazines, and her own personal blog. Her first book, The Lessons Of Jesus Christ, was published in 2013. Her book, The Visible Energy Around Us: A 4 Week Guide To Reading the Aura is a self-study class you can take at your own pace. Two more books are in the works; From His Lips: 365 Daily Devotions From Jesus Christ and Tracking; Following Your Loved One’s Passage To Heaven . She has made appearances on television and radio and co-hosted on CBS and Blog Talk Radio. Lisa teaches spiritual development classes and holds public Spirit Galleries nationwide.
Lisa has presented at a multitude of Spiritual, Metaphysical and Consciousness events. Her sense of humor as well as her vast knowledge of the subject matter make her an internationally sought after speaker, presenter and instructor.
Body-Mind-Spirit-Festival: Lisa was a reader, vendor, presenter and performed Demonstrations of Mediumship.
Your Spiritness Expo: Lisa served as a reader, vendor and performed public Demonstrations of Mediumship.
The Awake & Empowered Expo: Lisa sat on the Spiritual Development and Consciousness Panels, did a performed a Demonstration of Mediumship, and presented The Cycle of the Soul.
The Afterlife Awareness Expo: Lisa is a vendor and does private readings.
CBS Radio: Radio host
The Woman’s Everywhere Expo: Lisa is a vendor and does public Demonstrations of Mediumship and presents on a multitude of spiritual topics.
Blog Talk Radio: Radio Host
The Body, Mind, Spirit Expo: Lisa is a vendor and does public Demonstrations of Mediumship and presents spiritual topics.
The World Of One Expo: Lisa is a vendor, will do select readings, and performs public Demonstrations of Mediumship.
Healing Body & Spirit Expo Psychic Fair: Lisa will be a speaker presenting upon her book Tracking, doing select readings, Demonstrations of Medium, and have a vendor booth.
Intuitives Interactive Expo: Lisa will be speaking upon the Ethic and Professionalism of Psychics and Mediums.
Lily Dale Assembly: Spiritual Development Instructor
Lisa is continuously updating her skills in the fields of Mediumship, Spiritual and Personal Development, Metaphysics, and Parapsychic Science. She is a certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona.