Almost two million women in South Africa have one or more fibroids (myomas) in the womb. In general, this is not dangerous and most women do not suffer from it. In fact, you often do not even know that you have one! For some women, fibroids do bring complaints. In that case, you do well to have the fibroid removed.

Remove a fibroid Approximately 350,000 women in South Africa are faced with serious complaints from fibroids, such as excessive blood loss, menstrual pain, and intermittent blood loss. The symptoms can be annoying, but luckily these complaints do not have to be permanent. Depending on the location and the type of myoma (stemmed myomas, submucosal myomas, intramural myomas, and suberous myomas) there are various treatments to remove fibroids from the uterus.

No worries: thanks to new techniques, there are no heavy surgical procedures!

Treatments in fibroids If the fibro is located in the uterine wall, an embolization often takes place. Here the blood vessels are sealed to the myoma. If the myoma is located on the uterine wall, the MyoSure treatment is usually chosen: a treatment for heavy menstrual periods caused by fibroids or polyps.

Remove the fibroid with MyoSure The MyoSure treatment is aimed at removing fibroids (or polyps) from the uterus in women with menstrual problems. To remove the fibroid with MyoSure, the gynecologist inserts a viewing tube (hysteroscope) through the vagina. First of all, a salt solution is inserted through the hysteroscope, so that the uterus widens and the inside of the uterus can be viewed. The MyoSure instrument is then transferred to the uterus via the hysteroscope. The fibroid is then cut into pieces by the instrument and immediately sucked up.

Does removing a fibroid hurt? During the treatment, you can opt for a local or complete anesthetic. The removal of a fibroid does not have to hurt! If you opt for a local anesthetic, the treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, which means that you can go home the same day. Depending on the size of the fibroid, the treatment takes an average of ten minutes. After the procedure, you can still suffer from mild pain, cramps, and nausea.

Is the MyoSure treatment for me?
The MyoSure treatment is suitable for every woman who suffers from fibroids , but is not pregnant, does not suffer from pelvic infections or abnormalities of the cervix and does not have uterine (neck) cancer. During treatment, the uterine wall is retained and afterward, you can still have children. In order to prepare well for the fibroid treatment , it may be nice to read the experiences with MyoSure from other women.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Vadra , the author of this article has gained world recognition for writing quality articles in leading journals. He has wide knowledge about fibroids. He recommends the readers to opt for the fibroids and fertility treatment.