Are you someone who has experienced loss? Do you find yourself grieving alone or suppressing your feelings altogether? If so, you may be afraid of burdening friends and family with your grief . Or, perhaps you feel like no one understands what you are going through, so you hide your deepest thoughts and feelings of loss.

Nearly two years ago, I found myself feeling stuck, depressed and very alone in my grief related to not being able to have a baby. I had been through an eight-year cycle of hope, despair and loss during which most of my grieving I did alone. Finally, I joined a pregnancy loss support group with five other women, which catapulted my grieving process in three short months to an entirely new level.

Not only did I feel witnessed, supported and acknowledged for my loss, but I got in touch with and expressed some deep anger I didn’t even realize was there. The group acted as a safe container for me to explore all of my feelings. During the final session, a member shared with me, “You look lighter.” The burden of my grief had been lifted and I felt more joy.

Today, I have more vitality and energy. I feel completely fulfilled and on purpose, and am excited about all of the possibilities for my life including a life without children. Further, I am able to give back and make a bigger difference in my client’s lives. I would not be where I am today without the help and support of this group.

The benefits of participating in a healing community include:

• Hearing others stories of loss, we no longer feel alone in our grief
• Sharing our own experience of loss, we feel understood and acknowledged
• Seeing ourselves mirrored in another person and their process, we have hope for our own healing
• As we witness someone else heal, that part of us heals as well
• Surrounded by the love and support of the group, we have the courage to face our pain, which otherwise may be challenging to face alone
• In facing our pain, we are able to open more fully to our joy
• Sharing our joy with others amplifies our own

If you feel stuck in your grieving process, are struggling alone, and are ready to experience more joy, I highly recommend reaching out for support in a group environment. In doing so, you’ll want to find a community of like-minded individuals who uplift you. That is why I created the on-line program, Quantum Leaping: Transforming Loss Igniting Joy. To find out more and to determine if this group is the right fit for you, please go to .

You no longer need to suffer your grief alone. Experience the support of a community and take a quantum leap on your healing journey!

“Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Author's Bio: 

Karen Mehringer is an author, speaker and intuitive grief coach. For more information about Karen and her company, Creative Transformations, please go to: