When it comes to organization, getting started is half the battle.

If you're procrastinating on an organizing project, the key to pushing past the procrastination is to find out what motivates you. If you know your motivators before a wave of procrastination hits, then you'll be prepared to deal with it - head on - as soon as it arrives.

So ask yourself, "What makes me want to get things done? To get organized?"

In Part 1, we discussed free time, money, and positive energy as catalysts for getting you up and moving. This time, it's...

(4) Shaping your destiny.

I realize that for some of you out there, home organization may be just about as fun as boot camp. But in this day in age, when life keeps getting crazier and crazier, you can't afford not to be organized!

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."

Isn't that so true? It definitely applies to organizing...

If you know you have to get organized, you can choose to procrastinate, and your disorganization will just cause you more frustration. Or you can choose to get motivated, get organized, and truly know the freedom that comes with it .

It's always your choice...

(5) Tough love.

There can be some undesirable consequences that accompany disorganization.

- Can't find your keys in the mornings = late for work

- Forget a birthday = guilty feelings (you) and hurt feelings (birthday boy or girl)

- Neglect to declutter the house = embarrassing mess to explain away to visitors

- Pack a suitcase without a purpose = too many socks and too few undies

- Pay a bill after it's due = excess late fees

- Overlook expired car registration = traffic ticket and possible fines

I'm sure you could add a few more examples to this list!

It's time to get organized - and stop putting yourself in situations where you wish that you had made organization a priority . Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

For the purpose of this article, I've applied the above motivators to organizing specifically. But you can relate this same formula to other areas of your life where procrastination plagues you.

Knowing your strong inner motivators + Knowing where you're vulnerable to procrastination = Knowing how to push past procrastination

It's that simple. Although sometimes we tend to make it harder than that!

Martin Luther, German priest and scholar, opined "How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'." Your "nows" are fleeting - don't let them slip away!

Author's Bio: 

Carmen Coker is a professional organizer who helps individuals find the motivation and know-how to get organized and stay organized. To learn how to save money, create more space, and manage your time through organization, register for the "FREE Tip Kit: 10+ Pages of Tips and Tools to Help You Get Organized - Finally!" at http://www.OrganizeClutterbugs.com .