I want to share with you the #1 Rule that I've discovered to succeed in today's modern society.

Once you understand this rule and put it to work in your business, you'll be blown away at the results you experience. I know I was...because it literally turned my own business around overnight. Here it is! Straight Up!

The #1 rule that you must understand is that you have to learn how to be “invited” into your prospect's world as a welcomed guest and expert, not a solicitor and pest. Let me explain.

First, you need to understand the difference between a solicitor/pest and an expert. A solicitor is someone who hounds their friends/ family & circle of influence, cold calls, hands out fliers and sizzle cards, buys those over-priced worthless "opportunity leads" from all those leads companies, and so on... Experts position themselves in the marketplace in such a way that interested people can find them, and contact them first.(This is how you succeed in Marketing your business!)

Now...who contacts who first in a relationship is critical! Using the old methods of building your business just don’t work!, you are chasing your prospect. You're the hunter. But when interested people can contact you FIRST, your prospect is chasing YOU!

You've just become the hunted! – Oh yeah – I know all about hunting!

Now think about how this is such a game changer for you...When someone contacts you first they are literally seeking you out and welcoming you into their world as a guest...not a pest. They're basically saying..."Hey I'd like for you to tell me more about your business and how to succeed" WHOA...right? How easy would it be to obtain a prospect and convert them to a customer like THAT! Now think about how easy it would be to have a huge business if that's the ONLY type of prospect you dealt with...and how your marketing would be enhanced!

Your customer base would be huge, right? Now I realize that this goes against almost everything you've been taught by your business advisors...and you probably think that such a thing is impossible...and I totally understand.I mean we've all been there, right? Hoping, wishing, praying that today will be the day someone says - "YES!" to using your products or services. So you start out by knocking on doors, bothering people who did not ask for your intrusion. Of course losing quite a few potential customers along the way...and then you move on to forking over hoards of your hard earned cash buying leads or trying marketing methods that do not work...Period!

If you want to succeed you must figure out how to be an invited “Guest” by your prospect!

To succeed in your business you need to apply new world marketing technics and technology!

Author's Bio: 

Polar Bear Joe (aka- Joseph G. Toal) is an International Franchise Consultant who also helps people with advanced internet marketing technics, tools and solutions for all business owners by visiting http://www.scopeoutleads.com/leads.php you can learn about his strategy on how he helps people place their business on auto-pilot regarding their marketing efforts. You are invited to meet Polar Bear Joe by visiting him at http://scopeoutleads.com – Thank you for reading his articles.