You’ve done it, I know you have. We ALL have. You finally made that call, sent that email, did that THING and want instant results. Who doesn’t? And when you finally take that chance and put something out there, you want to know that you didn’t screw up. You want to know, “did it work?”.

Whether it’s personal relationships, business or just a dream, you’ll rarely get your real reward right away. Instead, you have to wait, watch and remember that what you set in motion eventually comes back to you. Karma.

This is a trick I use with myself and many of my clients. Whenever you feel anxious, lost or stuck, take a few moments and think back over your life. Do you remember the time you thought the world was going to end? Did it? Somehow, you’re still here reading this post.

How about the letter or article or blog you wrote and forgot about? Did someone eventually read it? Did they share it with someone else? Think of all the great writers that became famous after they died.

Maybe you had a secret dream you forgot you dreamt. Did it happen? Did you eventually get the love, happiness , validation you wanted? Even if it wasn’t in the way you originally wanted?

It’s hard to hang on when your world is falling apart. But happy people know, you pay your money in life and wait to see what happens. Sometimes it may take years, or decades or lifetimes but what we create lives on forever.

You’re probably thinking, “Yikes- everything I do lasts forever? I’m in deep trouble”. So now, it’s time to share a brief story. Sometimes in my massage practice, when someone is on my shiatsu mat, in my mind, I think, “I know exactly what I’m doing”. And it’s true, on one level, I do. But as focused as I am on what my hands are doing, it’s usually what I’m NOT paying attention to that has the biggest impact. My hands may be rubbing someone’s shoulders while unbeknownst to me, my knee is pressing in the EXACT SPOT that gives them relief. Weird.

The moral is, your life is too complicated to know everything you’re creating. When you’re feeling a little insecure, reflect on your life, trust the process and remember your deepest intentions will always shine through- love, kindness and peace . If your life is generally good and somebody likes you, you’re doing just fine.

Author's Bio: 

Rita Hickman, LMT, Educator, Mentor

As a bodyworker and human being, I have spent my life exploring the human experience. My love of feeling good, on all levels, has led me to create InSpire, a private practice that helps people find happiness through touch, healthy living, self-discovery and intimate relationship.

I always wanted to teach. After college, I taught kindergarten because I wanted to shape the future. I wanted to help children grow into their own greatness. I used music, language, nature and theater to nurture and inspire. Within a few years, I Mastered in environmental education, running nature centers and helping people live in a more natural way.

I had an opportunity to change careers and realized I wanted to share my love of personal healing. Never satisfied with the usual, I trained at the Chicago College of Healing Arts, a great hippy school that teaches massage, acupuncture, herbalism and spiritual well-being. I brought this holism to Crystal Lake and created InSpire; a center for health and healing.

InSpire reflects my love of indigenous cultures, nature and the science of the body/mind. To me, good health is about making healthy choices and getting support to help make those choices. So I share what I learn and continually work on my own good health, intimate relationships and personal journey.