How “your” Immune System Works & Overcoming Adrenal Exhaustion
An army of millions of microscopic soldiers operates within you, each one ready to spring into battle against invading germs and to do sentry duty to prevent disease from occurring in the first place. How you feed these soldiers has a great influence on how well they protect you from germs and disease. Because of poor diets, many school-age children and adults have immune systems that don't operate at peak efficiency. They get sick more often. Here's how to have a well-nourished immune system.
Think of the immune system as an army in which each division has a specific job, depending on the enemy they are fighting. Let's meet the troops to see what each kind of defender does.
White blood cells are the body's infantry, the hard-working soldiers on the front lines. These cells patrol the highway of the body's bloodstream, preventing germs from gaining a foothold. There are millions of these microscopic fighters in each drop of blood. There are also many specialized units. For example, when enemy cells try to hide from the main white cell troops, specialized units of white cells, called macrophages (the word means "big eaters"), mount search-and-destroy missions, going into all the nooks and crannies of the body to gobble up harmful invaders
Suppose a flu virus enters your body, multiplies rapidly, and threatens to overwhelm the circulating white cell army. The main troops can call out the reinforcements. These specialized cells include T-lymphocytes (white cells that originate in the thymus, a tiny gland in front of the heart) and even a special SWAT team called killer lymphocytes.
Chemical messengers and fighters the immune army has a magnificent communication system. If a germ enters the body through a break in the skin or maybe an infection in the throat the white cells send out chemical messengers that quickly mobilize reinforcements and direct them to the area of infection. Once they reach the battle, these cells produce chemical fighters, known as cytokines (meaning molecules that move to the cells). These cytokines perform all kinds of functions around the infection site to surround the invaders and heal the havoc the enemy has created. They dilate the blood vessels, causing more blood flow and enabling more white cell police to enter the infected area of battle. One well-known cytokine, interferon, even sends a signal back to command headquarters to tell the brain the body needs to rest. This allows the body to concentrate its energies on the battle against the disease. Another important cytokine is called the tumor necrosis factor. It can gobble up cancer cells that are acting like traitors and weakening the body from within. Another task of these cytokine messengers is to tell the body to conserve supplies, such as important nutrients that are needed to win the infection battle. For example, the command center instructs the body to hold onto immune-boosting elements, such as zinc, rather than eliminating it through the kidneys.
Chemical weapons the army of white cells and chemical messengers have a number of chemical weapons available. They can shoot gamma-interferon into the enemy, like a poisonous dart. This substance interferes with the body's ability to reproduce itself. Another special group of white cells, called B-cells, produces chemicals called antibodies, which act like smart missiles, seeking out and attaching themselves to specific germs. Some of these antibodies, called immunoglobulins, poke holes in the germs, so that in essence it "bleeds" to death . Others act like chemical glue, making the germs stick together so that they can be rounded up easily by the white blood cells. The immune army also guards strategic entry points to the body, such as the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Within the mucus that lines these passages; specialized immunoglobulin antibodies called secretory IgA patrol the walls and prevent bacteria and allergens from invading the tissues.
The most fascinating aspect of this immune army is the remarkable memory it possesses. It remembers every past battle and learns from experience. If the same, or a similar, germ tries to attack again, the army is ready for it. It recognizes the invader and pounces on it, winning every time. This is the rationale behind immunizations. The small dose of killed virus given in an immunization sets up a training exercise for the immune army: It uses the lessons learned in training to overcome threats from the real germ.
Problems in the ranks: While the immune system works well most of the time, some germs, like the herpes virus, are particularly adept at evading attacks. Herpes can lie undetected in the tissues for long periods of time, only to come out and spread when the army's defenses are down. Then it retreats back into its hideout, lying dormant for months or years before it wages another attack. Some viruses, such as HIV, can even hide within the immune system itself, infiltrating the ranks of the army and destroying it from within.
Cancer cells are another tough challenge to the immune system. These are cells whose internal control mechanism is damaged, allowing the cells to multiply out of control. Most of the time the immune army quickly recognizes these "criminal" elements and eliminates or jails them before they cause damage: Sometimes the cancer culprits go unnoticed for a while, and by the time they are detected, the immune system is powerless to stop them. The battle spreads to other parts of the body (a disease process called metastasis).
Sometimes the immune army mutinies and attacks the very organs it is supposed to defend. Examples of this include diseases such as arthritis (antibodies attacking tissues of the joints), diabetes (antibodies attacking insulin-producing cells in the pancreas), and perhaps multiple sclerosis (in which the immune system may be attacking the myelin sheath of the nerves).
Finally, there are times when the immune system overreacts, in effect, burning an entire village to kill a few terrorists. This hypersensitive response can be triggered with and allergy. The army of white cells not only engulfs the invading allergen, such as a particle from a dust mite in the bedroom, but also releases enough chemicals in this battle to cause other problems, such as wheezing or rashes.
The first step in managing your immune system is learning to manage our stress as stress will have an immediate negative affect on your immune system.
When we work long hours, have a busy social life, hectic family schedules then something is bound to give it is called burn out, this burn out can lead to more serious problems such as a nervous breakdown where the body’s nervous response shuts down in order to give us a rest or It may well be a more gradual, silent decline such as disease. Yes for the most part Dis-ease is when the body has fallen out of harmony within the various systems. Not unlike a family when one member decides not to talk to other members of the family , whereby nothing becomes resolved an eventually the family does not function effectively anymore. As is with the body, if we do not deal with the underlying causes that can lead to ill health and disease then the body will stop functioning effectively as a whole unit.
Let's look at some steps to-men and women jumping happily on the beach
Feeling worn out, jaded as if what is there for you in life?
Here are some tips to help to rise above these feelings.
1. Laughter is a great boost to a tired body as it causes the brain to release endorphins that induce a natural high feeling. Spend time with a friend who makes you laugh; a good movie; sit back and allow the people in your life to entertain you whether that is children, spouse or friends: sit back and allow your children to entertain you (forget any mess and untidiness for a while).
2. Avoid drinking any tea or coffee after meals, as caffeine inhibits the absorption of zinc and iron – both necessary minerals for keeping you well. A glass of orange juice is much better as it supplies vitamin C and increases the amount of iron that your body can absorb from food.
3. Too tired to do any exercise ? Although it may take some sort of effort to summon up the energy, exercise will increase your stamina and general feeling of well being. A 20-minute session, three times a week, is ideal and if you join a class you will feel much more motivated:
There will also be the benefit of meeting new people. A walk is excellent exercise; a good way to clear the mind, dispelling any tensions and stimulating the circulation. If you have children in any shape or form as your own or relatives, take them to the park. This will be great for all – Fresh Air. When you are feeling fit you are less likely to feel tired.
4. It is important to get out of the house at least once a day. Research shows that our bodies benefit from natural light and you’ll appreciate the change of scene. Spend some time in the garden, or even just walking to the shops. This is especially important during winter, when we tend to stay indoors a lot more.
5. Take a deep breath! Most of the time we don’t use our lungs to their full capacity. Shallow breathing tends to make you feel tired and lethargic; however, a simple deep-breathing exercise can give you an energizing boost. You can do this while you’re walking , lying upright with your back straight. Exhale through your mouth to the count of four and, again, hold for four. Repeat the exercise five to seven times to give yourself a needed lift.
It is important to cut down on sugar, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits and other sweet foods. As these add unwanted kilojoules and lead to age-related diseases. Eat healthier alternatives such as wholemeal bread, more fresh fruit and vegetables, and use dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts and yoghurt as between meal snacks. These will provide your body with the necessary fuel to do the things you enjoy.
Empowering You to Optimal Health Julie Doherty N.D
Julie Doherty is a Fully Accredited Naturopathic & Massage Practitioner with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd.
Having completed Professional Qualifications in Naturopathic Medicine: Herbal Medicine: Homoeopathic, Nutritional Medicine: Holistic Massage Therapy: Body Work: & Natural Beauty Therapy. This has enabled Julie to follow her dream of supporting people to overcome their health issues & heal their body with the use of a combination of Naturopathic, Herbal, and Homoeopathic & Nutritional Medicines & Therapies to become well without causing further harm or complications
Julie is involved in supporting other health care professionals with treatment protocols for people who are on prescription medication, chemo therapy and other related health care procedures
Julie’s vision and passion has been & still is to assist each person to become well with the least invasive & most effective treatments. Whilst working with likeminded people.
Over the past 25 years, Julie Doherty has successfully treated & assisted people with various areas of ill health and disease from the common cold, skin ailments through to cancer.
Julie’s approach is to enable each person to have the best “Quality of life possible” whilst making your treatments effective, affordable and manageable incorporating these strategies into each person's everyday living. Respecting each person's culture and individual characteristics
Julie is a sought-after public speaker, lecturer & author providing community talks, facilitated & implementing professional related courses.
Julie is a published blogger and author who is recognized for her expert knowledge with Self Growth supporting & providing assistance with healthy life protocols.
Julie has been recognized by the Stanford Who's Who and the Continental Who's Who for her dedication and recognition of excellence as a Health Care Practitioner, Executive, Entrepreneur and Professional standards of ethics.
What makes the work of Julie Doherty stand out? The successful testimonials of her clients becoming well both-young and old, from a wide range of disease and signs of ill health: It has been commented about her humanness, her humour, her willingness to reveal so much of herself, her belief and commitment to her industry and clients, and the easy-to-understand style of her communicating and her simplistic way of explaining treatments and programs to become well. Her understanding of the interconnectedness when there is a problem with health and it is out of balance that it is never just one thing, so addressing all related causes of the health problem/problems that she addresses with you.
To complement our healthy treatment programs Julie has formulated a Skin, Hair & Body Care Range that is good for you “Just For You”, not only will it have your skin looking great, healthy & vibrant. Your skin needs to be fed good healthy nutrients the same as your body