We are all meant for something; that is what is real in life. When this thing we are meant for is not part of us, not with us, that is when we are at a loss in life, in our careers, and in our personal lives. All of this is connected, for when we connect to what we are meant for, where we are meant to be, and in the end who we are meant to be with, that is truth. That is our inspiration and that is how we really live our lives. We all can find this; we can find our home in the life that is in our heart and a connection to it that is real. We are not meant to flounder in life or to misplace this connection.

We are all looking for what we are meant for. Often, we don’t know where to look or we are just looking in the wrong places. Destiny plays a role, but so do we. We have as much a part in our life as everything else does. When we choose to be present and really listen to ourselves, then that is where we find our inspiration , our truth, and what we are meant for. Looking elsewhere is fine, but the real desire, the connection you need, is within you. Believe it or not, you already know what you are meant for in this life. You do not have to find it; it is already there. What is keeping you from knowing it lack of trust you have in yourself and what your heart is telling you.

Dreams are inspiration; dreams that make your heart beat faster and your mind quicken. This is not about just day dreams, it is about the dreams you may have kept hidden from even yourself. The real dreams you may have talked yourself out of because you thought they were too farfetched or unrealistic, but they are your inspiration for life, they are the key to your happiness. When we choose to follow our dreams, to listen to them, we are helping ourselves find our destiny; we are beginning to understand our role in life and what we are meant to do. Dreams can be reality, for they connect to us down to our soul. They speak to us at such a deep level that they are primary. By giving your dreams a chance, by letting them inspire you, you can reach a place of true potential and growth, living the life you are truly meant for. All of us can if we give ourselves a chance and listen to what we already know.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life, to help others release what is holding them back, and to find their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the peace and truth you will find when you really see yourself as you are meant to be. Receive guidance and learn how to find your destiny , become your true self , and truly be in the moment at Answers in Writing .