About Us -
Laid out in the year 1995 in "Style Capital of India", today NIFT Mumbai is spread more than 10 sections of land of region in Navi Mumbai, has cutting edge inn offices for young ladies and young men understudies, elite framework, profoundly prepared labs and machine rooms. Grounds has most recent games framework and very much checked exceptional wreck office. The establishment has profoundly prepared resources with solid industry interface. NIFT Mumbai offers business amazing open doors to applicants across all NIFT Focuses.
Vision -
We at NIFT will offer, at all our grounds, an opportunity for growth of the best expectations in style relating to plan, innovation and the board and energize our strikingly imaginative understudy body to draw motivation
from India's materials and specialties while zeroing in on arising worldwide patterns pertinent to the enterprises we serve.
Industry Commitment
The new educational program of NIFT endeavors to provide the understudy with a rich collection of involvement and understanding that will ideally teach a craving and a capacity for deep rooted learning
and will place the person in question in an advantageous position in these problematic seasons of progress. Industry commitment is conceived as an educational experience which, by giving openness to the understudies, all things considered, working climate as a feature of a scholarly educational program assists them with creating and upgrade scholastic, individual and expert capabilities combined with more profound comprehension of the morals and values that recognize a decent expert. A critical piece of the commitment program depends on directed openness of the understudies to the business climate as a feature of the course educational plan under the direction of both scholarly world and industry.
The reexamined educational plan construction of NIFT showed up through considerations, studios and connections including inner specialists and prominent academicians, industrialists and NIFT Graduated class visualized the need and significance of Industry commitment through
Connection with Industry pioneers and graduated class in the homeroom
Supported study hall projects
Industry visits
Openness to shows and fairs
Temporary jobs
Joint exploration attempts
hands on commonsense opportunity for growth in industry climate
to be executed inside the educational program structure. Basic to this new viewpoint would be the preparation of Industry Commitment and booking them in a joint effort with the enterprises according to the necessity to execute the new educational plan in the UG and PG Projects presented by NIFT and its grounds.
Courses and Projects -
UG Program
PG Program
Proceeding with Schooling and Certificate Program
New Educational plan/IDM
Contact Us -
Campus Address
NIFT Campus
Plot No. 15, Sector - 4
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 210
Tel: +91-22-27747000 / 7100 / 5549,
Fax: +91-22-27745386
Contact: Prof. (Dr.) Pavan Godiawala
E-mail: director.mumbai@nift.ac.in
E-mail: nift.mumbai@nift.ac.in
For map - https://www.nift.ac.in/mumbai/contactus
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