"My husband wishes for a divorce "; that is a hard fact you have to accept regardless of whether you like it or not. Nevertheless, it doesn't ought to ended like that. Here is six questions you should consider to help you conserve your crumbling marriage .

Before the darkness of the night puts her into pensive mood, she looks at the ring around her finger. It was right there at the porch where he proposed to her. It wasn’t like the scene in different movies. He brought nothing else to make the ambiance more romantic but still, she found it the sweetest thing he had done for her. But as she gazes back at the ring, tears rolled down her cheeks. They’ve had big fights recently. Contemplating on his husband’s actions, she tells herself, “It’s obvious my husband wants a divorce .”

Giving in to separation seems to be the easiest way out. But a wife who values the sacrament of matrimony will ask herself how she can satisfy her husband in different ways. In evaluating her role in their union, she must answer the questions stated below.

Do you thank him for addressing your family ’s needs?

Men have always acted as providers. Centuries ago, they go hunting in the forest and bring food for their families . Presently, with our gender fair programs, it may not be as emphasized as before but still, they would like to attain that feeling of accomplishment and pride for attending to the needs of his loved ones.

Do you understand his silence?

Women tend to talk much more than men. When they are strained, confused or contemplative, they need minutes to think by themselves. Though this gives women a shot of paranoia, they’d like some time on their own. If he’s not interested in lengthy conversations, let him be. He may not be talking but he’s still thinking.

Do you talk to him squarely?

Another difference between men and women is how they convey their message. The former say the exact words while the latter find it hard to get to the point. This unlikeness causes serious arguments and worse, it makes some wives say, “My husband wants a divorce .” Refrain from making long introductions or from letting him read between the lines always. Cut your introductions short and don’t let him decipher your coded words. As much as you can, don’t be ambiguous. Don’t forget to keep your tactfulness by your side.

Do you sometimes make the first move in lovemaking?

It is inarguable that men’s need for physical satisfaction is high. Women who are responsive in bed attract them. If you’re not in the mood, explain it to him gently and he will understand. Further, men don’t want to control the situation all the time. They want their partners to do their share of first moves as well. By the way, sexy underwear always turn them on.

Do you let him hang out with his friends?

Men value friendship like women do. They enjoy exchanging ideas about sports , cars, art and current events while drinking beer to explore the world outside his home and work. Don’t get easily jealous with the time he spends with his friends. If you do, it sends him the message that you’re controlling his life.

Do you take care of yourself for him?

After a long day at work, your husband wouldn’t want to get home to see you in your torn oversized clothes. Men treat their partners as their ultimate trophy so make yourself presentable. However, don’t get too obsessed with your looks as it turns them off. Just keep yourself clean, choose clothes that look good on you and make sure you are beautiful in his eyes.

If you’re a wife who’s caught up with a my-husband-wants-a-divorce issue, try to answer these questions and from your answers, generate ideas on how to save your marriage from your end. Discuss it with him. Say sorry if you made mistakes against his nature in the past. If your husband still treasures your, he will understand that you want to save your marriage . Expectedly, he must meet you halfway. Love must be a two-way street after all.

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Contemplate a lot from the questions above? Read through deeper advices to save your marriage in save marriage from divorce . After you manage to get over the issue, have long term marriage by looking at make my husband love me