Do you need help after your relationship has broken up and your ex boyfriend has moved on? You will be glad to hear that your boyfriend does not have to remain lost to you forever, even though he may be with someone else right now. Here are some quick tips you can use to get his attention back, even if he has a new girlfriend.

1. Figure out a way to convince him that you are most suited to him. As long as he has not made it clear that he doesn't want to be with you, then you have a few ways you can go about this.

2. And one of the best steps you can take is to become his friend. Build up some trust in the friendship by proving to him that you can avoid any silly dramas and just be there for him as a friend. Make the friendship fun by joking around a bit. And once any hurt feelings from the break up have disappeared, he may realize that he wants you back again.

3. When you do communicate with your ex, don't be overly sweet all the time. The aim is to give him the feeling that you are a little hard to get but not too much that it will make him not want you. Having the air of being hard to get can make him take notice, but going too far and playing games is not recommended.

4. When you are playing hard to get, you also want to make sure that he understands you are available. There is nothing wrong with going out with friends and keeping up with the social scene but again, make sure he thinks you are available. If he thinks that you are taken, then he might not come after you.

5. While this tip may be common sense, it is important to avoid showing desperation. Acting as if you are fine will let him know that you are doing ok and are ready to move on, which is better than him doubting you. If he sees you asdesperate, things will not go according to your plan.

6. Whenever you feel him looking at you, glance back out the corner of your eye. This type of look will remind him that you are paying attention to hisactions.

7. Subtly bring up some of the fun times you have shared. Any good memory will make him think of all the fun you both had together. Steer clear of any negative memories though as these will have negative feelings attached.

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If you are sitting around wondering does he still love me ?, then these are some great tips to start slowly working your way back into his life to find out. So, stop wondering does my ex love me and start putting these type of tips into action!