If you go on to Google and type in "MLM network marketing" I can guarantee you that it won't take more than around 7 seconds to find something negative about the business.

Having said this, some of the world's top inspirational authors such as Robert Kiyosaki (Author of the best selling book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad") are advocates of Multi level marketing. So this leads to the question of why is there such a polarization of opinions towards MLM network type businesses?

Could it be the failure rates of prospects?

Just like any new businesses, figures have been thrown about that around 95-97% of people fail at MLM network business which is incredibly high right! I mean why would you start a business that has only a 3-5% success rate?

However what other sources tell you is that 70% of people drop out of MLM networks even before they start, which is not the same as business failure. If this is to be believed then it is on a par with new start up businesses who can only boast a survival rate of around 30%

What about the fact that the payment structure is top down?

Almost every top organization in the world has this kind of tiered payment structure, whereby the chief execs at the top get the large end of year bonuses and the sales people at the bottom have to rely on commissions earned on products sold.

You have to pay to join the business and on top of this you have to pay for training tools etc!

Okay, this is a good one! A lot of people use the saying that MLM network is merely just a legitimate pyramid scheme, because you have to pay to get into it, then you make your money by recruiting people.

This is true to a point because a pyramid scheme is exactly that. However, when there is a legitimate product being sold to the consumer who is not a rep, then this is clearly not pyramid selling.

Certainly in most cases pertaining to MLM network businesses there is a good product being passed on to the consumer and companies like, Amway, Herbalife and Nutralite have sold millions of dollars of products to satisfied consumers who are in no way connected to the business.

On the other hand you could decide to take on a franchise business, which involves you parting with cash, but I guarantee you would be paying a lot more than you would if you joined a MLM network business.

It is fair to say that training tools in general have to be paid for, but then people pay to go on courses in non MLM network ventures. Isn't this a similar thing?

In reality, MLM network is a great business model because it relies on other people's success rates in your group. It is not a one man band, and you cannot do it on your own. It promotes teamwork and solidarity which is something that outside businesses could and should be proud of.

Also the chance of financial freedom is probably more likely here, than working for any large conglomerate. However this same reason to which people are drawn to MLM network businesses, also make it an attractive offer to people who have not run their own businesses before, never been sales people and under-estimate the amount of effort and work that you have to put in.

After all, would you apply for a job you are in no way qualified for?

When all said and done MLM network marketing is here to stay and will continue grow and be successful, but it's the people who haven't given it a fair shake who are guaranteed to run it down.

After reading this far you probably want to learn more about MLM network businesses and maybe even how to get involved.

Author's Bio: 

Harry Master is a professional writer and usually write on trending topics. He has 4 years experienced in this field.