It's the same thing with all aspects of our lives. If we don't change, our circumstances won't change. I've done the same thing with my MLM businesses. I've tried different companies, I've tried different approaches, but have still struggled with getting the businesses off the ground.

After 35 years in the same circumstance, I wanted, no I needed, something different, so I've set out to change my entire situation. With all the training I've had from the past (effective writing, time management , working with difficult people, etc), I've never had training on how to build a successful business. The companies we work for do not train us to make it on our own, they want us to continue to trade our time for money. It really isn't a fair trade as I believe, as I'm sure you do, that my time is worth a whole lot more than they believe my time is worth - as indicated by the paycheck. It seems to have happened so unexpectedly, almost as if it fell into my lap.

Whether you are new to network marketing or have been in for awhile now, the growing pains are the same for us all. The first thing you will need to do is to get all of your family and friends together, this being your dreaded circle of influence.

Let's have a party on Thursday night at 7pm at my house. Well what's this about? Just promise to come and I will show you when you get here. The big night is here and you begin by passing out your product samples, brochures, lets watch a video, more sampling, more product information and then line up over here and tell me what products you would like to purchase.

This seldom works as advertised, but when it does you will be off to a good start. How did that go?

If not so well, then you have now exposed your million dollar secret to all of your beloved and trusted co parts. Now how will you turn this somewhat humiliating experience......Somewhat, its okay, I'm going to show you how to rebound from this, or if this was never a problem for you in the first place, it will be important for you to keep your head up and create momentum in your MLM business.The training that I had fall into my lap on building an MLM business, is completely different than anything I've ever come across.

If you believe that your life needs to change, just like I have, then you need to take the step forward to make the change happen. It takes stepping up and out. Life doesn't have to be mundane, repeating itself over and over again, it can be exciting.

Author's Bio: 

To reveal how to build your entire network marketing business without ever picking up the phone, or facing rejection, or better yet any out of pocket money, Wanda Anderson will show you here, her breakthrough method, by sharing with you the 7 exclusive network marketing training videos . Best yet, you can watch them for free right now