Menopause supplements with vitamins and herbs are important for good menopause health. Not only do they help correct nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, they may also reduce symptoms caused by imbalanced hormones.

Relevant studies have found that women in menopause are especially vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies. A research at the Carlos III Institute of Health discovered that all 3,574 menopausal women involved in the study have a deficient intake of vitamin D - a vital nutrient for the proper functioning of our body.

The Cause of Nutrient Deficiencies

The main causes of nutrient deficiencies are poor diet and declining estrogen levels during menopause.

A healthy diet should consist of sufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables and pure water. However, we tend to eat excessive amounts of processed food high in sugars and fats as well as animal derived food.  Furthermore, large-scaled farming and storage methods lead to degraded nutritional content in food.

Besides, when a woman enters menopause, her estrogen levels begin to decline. A plummeted level of this main female hormone is linked to common menopause symptoms, such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Vaginal dryness

Results of nutrient deficiencies include accelerated aging and disease for women at peri menopause and post menopause. For example, 80% of people diagnosed with osteoporosis are women, and 50% of them are over the age of 50 – the age when menopause strikes in most cases.

Beneficial Vitamins And Herbs

It is therefore important to reassess your intake of nutrients during this period of time. There are various vitamins and herbs that are highly beneficial for menopausal women. A good quality menopause supplement ensures that you have adequate nutrients for maintaining sound health during menopause, and can also help with the symptoms of the menopause.

The following nutrients are known to be helpful with menopause:

Vitamin C – boosts the immune system, strengthens blood vessels, and reduces hot flashes and vaginal dryness in menopause.

Vitamin E – reduces risk of heart attack, according to a study in 1996

B Vitamins – relieves stress and anxiety , and lifts energy levels

Calcium – keeps bones strong

Red clover – one of the riches sources of isoflavones, is helpful with hot flashes

Dong quai – combats menstrual cramps and menopausal problems

Damiana – is especially helpful with anxiety and low libido.

Choosing Menopause Supplements

You can find a few menopause supplements with vitamins and herbs on the market. They are a good way to ensure that you are getting benefits with a full spectrum of essential nutrients. Vital vitamins in them help form a foundation for good female health, while the herbs regulate the hormones and reduce menopause symptoms.

When you choosing a menopause supplement with vitamins and herbs, make sure that:

First of all, all the ingredients are pure and free from additives, contaminants and preservatives.

Secondly, the safety and effectiveness of the ingredients should have solid clinical evidence.

Thirdly, the menopause supplements are manufactured in facilities that are compliant with pharmaceutical standard GMP.

If you would like to learn more about menopause supplements with vitamins and herbs, or to read more reviews on supplements for menopause, please visit my website today.

Author's Bio: 

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all-natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.