The following are ideas designed to assist you in creating a brilliantly successful marketing plan.

These ideas are just some of the options you have when it comes to marketing yourself, but keep in mind the three most important steps to gaining new clients:

1. Believe you can do it
2. Engage people in conversation (this creates rapport which leads to clients)
3. Live by example (also known as “living authentically”)

44 Marketing Ideas

1. Tell 10 people a day you are a coach.
2. Meet 15 new people each week.
3. Join a new club or group.
4. Key note speak
5. Put on a free event (small or large)
6. Have a launch party in your home/backyard to announce your opening
7. Have a lunch and have everyone bring a friend
8. Have your business cards say “First Session Free”
9. Have an effective elevator speech that answers the question of what do you do for a living
10. Volunteer at events where your ideal clients will be
11. Clearly layout who your ideal client is
12. Have a 100% money back guarantee
13. Write and submit articles online
14. Write a column for a local newspaper
15. Start a newsletter- online or in your community
16. Write a list of all organizations and businesses that would benefit from a guest speaker or conference from you (and contact them)
17. Advertise in the local classifieds
18. Have a booth at local events and collect contact information
19. Advertise on free community boards (example: Craig's List or Kijiji)
20. Partner with someone in your community and put on an event
21. If having a free event, charge a nominal refundable fee to ensure attendance
22. Start building your email contact list and routinely send out free resources
23. Place a sign on your lawn advertising your services
24. Place brochures at local establishments
25. Offer a special bonus or discount to union members (for example)
26. Write a free eBook and encourage readers to pass it along
27. Have a toll free number for potential clients
28. Create products ( books , workshops) to sell to your current clients (70% of people who have purchased from you will purchase something from you again)
29. Use pay per click ads online
30. Submit one article per week to online article banks to gain a higher website listing on Google
31. Have an excellent sales copy online
32. Ask powerful questions on your brochures and promotional materials
33. Offer a free incentive to encourage potential clients to contact you
34. Have a free first session for your group coaching services
35. Increase your fees (this will increase the value of your services in potential client's minds)
36. Give out magnets with a catchy or motivational saying (and your contact information) at events
37. Host a bake sale for a local charity (and give out your business card with every purchase)
38. Host a yard sale for a local charity (and have your website address prominently listed)
39. Speak often about how much you love your career
40. Post a flyer on the local community church or grocery store boards
41. Leave flyers on car windshields
42. Host a charity car wash
43. Sit on an event planning committee and see how your services could be promoted
44. Host low cost events events in your community and pair with other businesses or professionals when putting the events on (such as bake offs, weight loss competitions etc.- do not restrict yourself to events that are directly related to your niche)
45. Collect amazing testimonials (videos are best)
46. Have contests and let local newspapers and organizations know

Author's Bio: 

Coach Mackenzie Pearce went on from being a coach to opening her own coach training academy: The Coaching Academy of North America Inc.

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