When you are at the top of a big organization or business, you need Personal Power, so that people and your subordinates and your peers are motivated or animated behind your vision regarding in which direction your business is headed. In this case, you would find that the farther the organization will take you, the greater your need is for personal power. So What Does Personal Power Do For You? Within any organization or structure, those individuals who are seen as the shakers and movers, the persons who are seen and viewed as those whom the corporation or company is going to invest in (or risk) are those who are viewed as having personal power.

In order for you to break through the borders, you should have it. When you have it, the people around you would be willing to do more for you. When you have that strength, the individuals who work for you, with you or that you work for, will certainly want you to succeed. They want to see you reach your goals. They would go that extra mile and offer that added 5-10% in helping you reach the top. Now, they become committed to your success and triumph. It will become a source of competitive distinction, and in this manner, it could be a competitive edge for you.

It is the element that would set you apart from other people. What Happens To A Leader or Expert Who Lacks Personal Power? Individuals who have the knowledge and the expertise but without personal power have a difficulty in their credibility areas. Nobody believes individuals like this. Nobody will feel like standing up for what these persons would have to say, even though knowledge-wise and expertise-wise they may be the most qualified person on the job or to take that call. This is due to the fact that this type of person does not demonstrate or exhibit firm people power.

They do not even manifest that strong potential to carry out their thoughts, ideas or goals. So therefore, nobody is willing to stand by them. And Could The Top Guy Succeed Or Triumph Without It? Personal strength is definitely crucial notwithstanding of one’s level or position in the company, whether you have nobody working under you or a lot of people working for you. If you wish to have a successful career or accomplishment in your company or organization, one should have personal power. People will absolutely not follow a powerless person or individual. We oftentimes find that several managers in the organization are very very good and effective at acquiring and obtaining position potential and authority through their education, hard work, and many others.

Nevertheless, personal power still remains evasive. Without this in our actions, in our words and in our work, then frankly, people would not give us the benefit of the doubt; nothing new in there, really. So our personal power is no doubt very vital for managers desiring to move up to the highest ranks or levels of an organization.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain , is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Let Amy help you find Happiness in Your Work Place . Click here to learn how to become a Happy Worker .