How do you want your day to go?
“How is your day going?” is a question we often ask each other. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself “How do I want my day to go?” In other areas of our lives, we do ask such questions. In marketing, for example, professionals identify the business they most want to have by identifying their “ideal client,” and they do this by identifying their ideal client’s demographic type, attributes, likes, habits
, and other typical indicia. Why can’t that also work to identify your “ideal day?”
Ideal client profile.
In marketing, professionals often take the time to write out a list of exactly what their ideal client would bring, including workload, finance, relationship, and satisfaction. Then, marketing professionals put the list away to let their intuition
work on it for awhile. After a time, additional “ideal client” attributes pop into their minds, and other attributes fall off the list because they don’t “feel” exactly right. In time, the marketing professionals know exactly what their “ideal client” looks like and they know immediately when they see that ideal client.
Ideal day profile.
With slight modifications, identifying your “ideal day” can work the same way. But where to begin? Why not begin by identifying the activities in life that bring you joy? We all engage in activities that have brought us joy, that were fun, that caused us to lose track of time during the activity, or that brought us peace
of mind, or that just made us feel happy. Write them down and look at the list: does each of these activities bring you joy? When is the last time you did each of these activities? Is anything stopping you from doing them?
Start with your list of available activities that bring you joy and construct a day around those activities. Add in the elements that you feel are essential to maintaining your life. Rearrange the list so that the joyful and essential elements are scheduled to comfortably all happen in any given period of time. Review the list, pausing over each item to get the “feel” of the activity. At the end of the list, is anything missing? Add it to the list.
Typical list. Here’s a typical “ideal day” list:
1. Get up early and exercise
in serene, warm surroundings.
2. Go to office for meetings and decisions, or to talk to customers, or stay at home to analyze a problem or develop a proposal. The feeling is relaxed and OK.
3. Meet with new people and old friends to solve problems. The feeling is one of contribution.
4. Lunch with clients, prospects, or friends.
5. Afternoon at quiet work. Trip details.
6. Charitable work in early evening.
7. Dinner at ease with family
; play the guitar.
8. Plenty of money and security.
9. Family
10. Time and place to relax.
Ask your intuition
for your ideal day.
When you feel comfortable with your list, put it away until bed time. Just before you go to bed, review the list and ask your intuition
to create it: “Please give me an ideal day.” Be watching for when that ideal day comes. And when that day does come, as it surely will, thank your intuition for creating your ideal day. That night, ask your intuition for another ideal day.
Try it! You’ll be amazed at how it will change your life into just the way you want it to be.
Jim Wawro , Author, Ask Your Inner Voice ( ). While trying cases as an international lawyer, I discovered that some people have learned the secret to actively calling on inspiration whenever they need it. My books reveal the proven methods used by history's greats and regular people alive today for actively tapping into the wisdom that resides within you. Learn more and download a free chapter at my website . Please share your reactions to this article in the comment box below.