Java Basics
 Compare and complexity the highlights and parts of Java, for example, stage autonomy, question introduction, exemplification, and so forth
 Create executable Java applications with a fundamental strategy; run a Java program from the order line; including console yield
 Define the extent of factors
 Define the structure of a Java class
 Import other Java bundles to make them available in your code
Working With Java Data Types
 Declare and instate factors (counting throwing of crude information composes)
 Develop code that utilizations wrapper classes, for example, Boolean, Double, and Integer.
 Differentiate between question reference factors and crude factors
 Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference by reassignment" and refuse accumulation)
 Know how to peruse or write to protest fields
Using Operators and Decision Constructs
 Create if and if/else and ternary develops
 Test equity among Strings and different articles utilizing == and equivalents ()
 Use Java administrators; including enclosures to abrogate administrator priority
 Use a switch proclamation
Creating and Using Arrays
 Declare, instantiate, instate and utilize a one-dimensional exhibit
 Declare, instantiate, instate and utilize multi-dimensional exhibit
Using Loop Constructs
 Compare circle builds
 Create and utilize do/while circles
 Create and use for circles including the improved for circle
 Create and utilize while circles
 Use break and proceed Best Training Institute In Bangalore
Working with Methods and Encapsulation
 Apply get to modifiers

 Apply embodiment standards to a class
 Apply the static catchphrase to strategies and fields
 Create and over-burden constructors; including sway on default constructors
 Create techniques with contentions and return esteems; including over-burden strategies
 Determine the impact upon protest references and crude qualities when they are passed into techniques that change the qualities
Working with Inheritance
 Describe legacy and its advantages
 Determine when throwing is fundamental
 Develop code that shows the utilization of polymorphism; including superseding and question compose versus reference compose
 Use dynamic classes and interfaces
 Use super and this to get to items and constructors
Handling Exceptions
 Create an attempt get square and decide how special cases modify typical program stream
 Create and conjure a technique that tosses a special case
 Describe the benefits of Exception taking care of
 Differentiate among checked special cases, unchecked exemptions, and Errors
 Recognize regular special case classes, (for example, NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)
Working with Selected classes from the Java API
 Create and control schedule information utilizing classes from java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Period
 Creating and controlling Strings
 Declare and utilize an ArrayList of a given sort
 Manipulate information utilizing the StringBuilder class and its strategies
 Write a straightforward Lambda articulation that devours a Lambda Predicate articulation
Java Class Design
 Create and utilize singleton classes and permanent classes
 Develop code that utilizations static catchphrase on introduce squares, factors, strategies, and classes
 Implement epitome
 Implement legacy including perceivability modifiers and sythesis
 Implement polymorphism
 Override hashCode, equivalents, and toString strategies from Object class
Advanced Java Class Design
 Create and utilize Lambda articulations
 Create inward classes including static internal class, neighborhood class, settled class, and mysterious internal class
 Develop code that pronounces, actualizes as well as expands interfaces and utilize the @Override explanation
 Develop code that utilizations unique classes and strategies
 Develop code that utilizations last watchword
 Use specified composes including techniques, and constructors in an enum compose
Generics and Collections
 Collections Streams and Filters
 Create and utilize ArrayList, TreeSet, TreeMap, and ArrayDeque objects
 Create and utilize a non specific class
 Describe Stream interface and Stream pipeline
 Filter a gathering by utilizing lambda articulations
 Iterate utilizing forEach strategies for Streams and List
 Use java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable interfaces
 Use strategy references with Streams
Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces
 Develop code that utilizations double forms of practical interfaces
 Develop code that utilizations crude adaptations of practical interfaces
 Develop code that uses the UnaryOperator interface
 Use the inherent interfaces incorporated into the java.util.function bundle, for example, Predicate, Consumer, Function, and Supplier
Java Stream API
 Develop code that utilizations Stream information techniques and computation strategies
 Develop code that uses the Optional class
 Develop code to separate information from a question utilizing look() and guide() techniques including crude forms of the guide() strategy
 Save results to a gathering utilizing the gather technique and gathering/segment information utilizing the Collectors class
 Search for information by utilizing seek techniques for the Stream classes including findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch

 Sort a gathering utilizing Stream API
 Use flatMap() strategies in the Stream API
Exceptions and Assertions
 Create custom special cases and Auto-closeable assets
 Test invariants by utilizing declarations
 Use Autoclose assets with an attempt with-assets proclamation
 Use get, multi-get, lastly statements
 Use attempt catch and toss proclamations
Use Java SE 8 Date/Time API
 Create and oversee date-based and time-based occasions including a blend of date and time into a solitary question utilizing LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, Period, and Duration
 Define and make and oversee date-based and time-based occasions utilizing Instant, Period, Duration, and TemporalUnit
 Work with dates and times crosswise over timezones and oversee changes coming about because of sunlight reserve funds including Format date and times esteems
Java I/O Fundamentals
 Read and compose information from the comfort
 Use BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, File, FileReader, FileWriter, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, and PrintWriter in the bundle
Java File I/O (NIO.2)
 Use Files class to check, read, erase, duplicate, move, oversee metadata of a record or catalog
 Use Path interface to work on record and catalog ways
 Use Stream API with NIO.2
Java Concurrency
 Create specialist strings utilizing Runnable, Callable and utilize an ExecutorService to simultaneously execute errands
 Identify potential threading issues among gridlock, starvation, livelock, and race conditions
 Use java.util.concurrent accumulations and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList
 Use parallel Fork/Join Framework

 Use parallel Streams including decrease, deterioration, combining procedures, pipelines and execution
 Use synchronized catchphrase and java.util.concurrent.atomic bundle to control the request of string execution
Building Database Applications with JDBC
 Describe the interfaces that make up the center of the JDBC API including the Driver, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet interfaces and their relationship to supplier executions
 Identify the segments required to associate with a database utilizing the DriverManager class including the JDBC URL
 Submit questions and read results from the database including making proclamations, returning outcome sets, repeating through the outcomes, and appropriately shutting outcome sets, articulations, and associations

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