"It's not about you."

I remember reading these 1st four words in Chapter 1 of Rick Warren's best-selling book, "The Purpose Driven Life." I remember pausing and going through this succinct talk with myself that went something like, "Wait a second, if it is not about ME, then who in the world might it possibly be about?"

Now, I want to assume that I was a little less full of myself when I read this book in 2002 than I was in my previous years. I had experienced my fair bit of personal and professional struggles, hurt, and brokenness. I thought I had at least encountered an adequate amount of trials and assessments to establish the universe did not turn around me anymore. However these 4 words certainly hit me right smack dab in the center of someplace. That "someplace" ended up being a nice place.

You see, the actual question designed for all of us is, "What on earth are we here for?" I cannot answer that question for you personally, but I would propose that we are either here for an important reason or we're here just for the heck of it. Assuming we're here for some larger reason than a chance accident, the following reasonable question becomes, "What is our purpose?"

I would like to take the liberty to encourage you with the recognition that our lives signify a point far larger than our individual personal performance, joy, or happiness. To quote the book, "The search for the purpose of life has puzzled people for thousands of years. That's because we typically begin at the wrong starting point - ourselves. We ask self-centered questions like what do I want to be? What should I do with my life? What are my dreams for my future? But focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life's purpose."

We're here to serve.

we're all writing chapters of our life memories -- both good and bad. Our actions affect the end result of each chapter from the book. However our book can be about other people.

The insurance industry gives you us with an extraordinary platform to serve. After we peel back the sheets, we recognize that literally everything we seek to achieve is directly related to serving somebody. We serve our prospective client, and we end up with a consumer. We serve our potential new Agent, and we finish up with an extra member of our family . We serve the Groups we epitomize, and we end up nurturing the health and life of our work atmosphere. The Corporation serves the field force, and we end up having a field force who strives to guard the welfare and profitability of the Business. Every single dollar of new business sales generated as annualized life premium results from someone SERVING someone else.

we're here to influence and inspire.

John Maxwell is correct on point when he says that we won't believe in the leader if we do not believe in the message. Profitable companies work on what I refer to as the Law of Attraction . Individuals end up being part of an company because they believe in it and the message they hear and see. They end up with the craving to desire what those in the Business have and think if they partner with them they can get what they want. Our duty is to live out our life of influence and inspiration in such a way that we validate HOW to be profitable, and encourage them with the drive to be prepared to do what it takes to get in position to win.

The more we realize, believe, and accept that it is not about us, the more we will find ourselves blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. That's just the way it works.

Stay Strong! Lead On!

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