God put you here for a purpose. He has a plan that is just for you. No one else can fulfill the destiny he has laid out for you. You have to know what your God-given plan is so that you can feel more passionate, alive, and free. So that you can live your life with purpose and passion .

You are put on this earth to shine. Don’t fear your passion . Don’t fear your purpose. Don’t fear your success. Don’t fear your power. Don’t fear your light. Embrace yourself and go for the gusto. Don’t be less than. Never be less than. Think about it for a minute. What good is it to be less than what your ultimate purpose is? Who is benefiting? The person next to you isn’t benefiting and you definitely aren’t benefiting. Your soul yearns to show and live its’ true and full potential. Let it. It’s time for your passion and purpose to be unleashed.

You weren’t created to sit around and wallow in self-pity. You weren’t created to sabotage your life. You weren’t created to do nothing. You weren’t created for idleness. You were created for great things and to do great things. Even the smallest things are great things in God’s eyes, if and only if, they are used for His purpose, according to His will, and to glorify Him.

Awesome, right? Stop fighting. Instead of fighting against your purpose and the life God has laid out for you even before you were born, embrace it. Go with it. Row your boat with your own oars, not someone else’s. Stop fighting your abilities and use them. They are yours.

Author's Bio: 

Chrishawn Simpson is the founder of the revolutionary, life-changing program, Transform Your Path at http://www.transformyourpath.com . She uses proven techniques to help you overcome your obstacles, tackle your shadows, and challenge your core beliefs, all for the sake of leading a life filled with purpose, passion, joy, and fulfillment. To purchase the book, go to http://www.transformyourpath.com/the-book .