Waking Dreams
Most of the time we think of dreams as something we experience at night or a flight of fancy we experience during the day as a wishful thought for our lives. Consider the possibility that this is really backwards. What if your life is really the dream? What if you are dreaming your life, creating your life through your dreams ? If your dreams are simply random, unstructured and unintended, than truly your life is waiting to be dreamed. To be dreamed vividly with intention, with joy, and with clarity.

Intentional Dreaming
Set an intention for your dreaming. At bedtime do some self -pampering as preparation. Whatever nurtures you physically, be it a bath with fragrant oils and a few lit candles, some self-massage, a cup of herbal tea, or possibly all of these. Anything you choose, so long as it promotes you feeling renewed and deserving. Than just before dropping off to sleep, consciously intend your dream, the life you want to be living. Make it vivid and colorful, add details such as scent and emotion, add sound. Each night choose a different scene for your life. Something not so farfetched that it seems impossible (not yet, that comes later). Tweak some of the things you are already experiencing and enjoy in your life that you would like to increase and rev them up, to make them even better and more frequent. Then offer up this improved version as your intentional dream for the night.

Subterranean Dream EffectsEven if you don't consciously remember your dream later, your intention has been placed there. Don't look to see evidence of your dream, just know that it is working beneath the surface of your waking life. Most will see small shifts and changes developing gradually, others may experience results more quickly. Also, the scene you dream intended may not play out exactly the way you “dreamed” it but notice, really notice the changes happening in and around you. You'll be surprised at how this effect multiplies. After a few days begin a new dream sequence. The one you have formerly worked on will continue to brew while you dream intend your new scene. After you have become comfortable and more confident with the process you can move on to intending dreams that seem more unlikely, gradually increase your comfort zone of what feels possible. Continue in this with trust, and your life will no longer be waiting, but will become your the creational fulfillment of your dreams.

Author's Bio: 

Christie Pennington is a spiritual facilitator that assists individuals in fulfilling their dreams through channeled information, Angel communication, workshops, Soul Speaking and Dream Interpretation. You can find assistance with “intentional dreaming” and dream interpretation at
www.thelightspeakers.com/Dream-Interpretation.html Free newsletter with monthly channeled message

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