It is believed that as long as the general disease is chronic, it usually means that the treatment time is very long. We will spend a lot of time managing and recuperating, which affects the quality of life. Epididymitis , as a typical male disease, has always plagued them. For men with chronic epididymitis, everyone hopes to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and return to everyday life, hoping to cure chronic epididymitis as quickly as possible. Is the treatment cycle for chronic orchitis very long?

According to relevant experts, chronic epididymitis can be cured because it is caused by acute epididymitis without standardized treatment, resulting in a prolonged course of the disease. Moreover, chronic epididymitis often occurs when the constitution is decreased, the immunity is low, or little attention is not paid, which is also a feature of chronic epididymitis.

There is no precise time limit on how long it takes to cure chronic epididymitis. Some patients are treated for a short period, and some patients are treated for a long time, but they can't heal themselves. The vast majority of chronic epididymitis is formed by the irregular and incomplete treatment of acute epididymitis.

How to treat chronic epididymitis?

1.Traditional Chinese medicine treatment has the characteristics of non-invasive and lasting efficacy and can also promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, reducing swelling and dissipating knots, regulating qi, and relieving pain.

Some chronic epididymitis can be cured by this method. Among that, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill stand out. It has solid bactericidal power and can effectively kill harmful bacteria in the body without side effects.

If the patients have swollen the epididymis, the pain is obvious, and even the skin of the scrotum is red, they can use external application of traditional Chinese medicine.

2. Surgical treatment: For some intractable chronic epididymitis or epididymal nodules that cannot be resolved, epididymectomy or lumpectomy can be used to cure chronic epididymitis. This is only applicable to married men who have no fertility requirements. However, chronic epididymitis needs a precise diagnosis, and some patients with chronic prostatitis can also show pain in the epididymis and testis and the treatment can also cure prostatitis.

3. Those with mild symptoms of chronic epididymitis can be relieved through life conditioning and local treatment, such as raising the scrotum, local application of drugs, physical therapy, etc. It is also necessary to actively pass some life conditioning to reduce induced Factors, such as not excessive fatigue, reducing alcohol consumption, eating less spicy and stimulating things, preventing testicular and epididymal trauma, and actively exercising to increase immunity.

4. Warm water sitz bath for epididymitis. A warm-water sitz bath relaxes the patient's muscles, dilates blood vessels, and accelerates blood circulation, which is conducive to the absorption and subsidence of inflammation. In addition, topical hyperthermia can relieve symptoms and promote the resolution of inflammation.

In short, we should try to prevent chronic epididymitis from happening. The treatment of chronic epididymitis is mostly a combination of internal regulation and external therapy. Usually, paying attention to living habits and personal hygiene, such as staying up late, being sedentary, drinking, holding back urine, etc., should be changed. Also, try to keep your diet as light as possible and drink plenty of water.

Besides, increase physical exercise and improve your immunity. If there is frequent masturbation and intercourse, it must be controlled. Regular intercourse and masturbation are often the factors that cause the attack. Finally, keep your mind calm, and don't affect your mood because of chronic orchitis.

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