As someone who works in a social media department and spends countless hours per day working with new technology and new websites, it’s nice to get a break. I quickly begin to feel as if my entire life is absorbed by the Internet because I spend so many hours each day looking at the computer screen. It’s nice to finally get home, sit back, and well…that’s it. Getting away from technology is nice, and it feels healthy.

However, I cannot help but remember when I was in a long distance relationship. I was constantly online talking with my boyfriend via phone systems like Skype so that it would feel like he was there. Social media and texting was also no stranger to either of us because they were both great ways to send messages even when the other was busy. In a way, I do feel as though technology was crucial to our relationship.

At the time same, spending all day engrossed in a computer screen doesn’t seem healthy. This led me to wonder: How could something so unhealthy be healthy for a relationship? Is technology merely a mask for what will ultimately end in ruins?

Technology and Love Pros and Cons

It is important to consider both the pros and the cons to the issue. In many cases, what works best for a relationship completely depends upon the relationship. Many have found that using technology works for them, while others have found that it was very difficult to remain online so often. If you’re unsure where you fall, consider some of the following points:

Digital Relationship Pros:

• Communication is extremely important to a relationship. Technology allows for this constant communication to make sure nothing goes unsaid in the relationship.

• Digital communication is extremely common due to the popularity of social networking . Many people would likely be using these mediums anyway!

• Not only does technology help you say what you need to say, but with the introduction of VoIP services such as Skype, you can actually see your other half—something very important in a relationship.

Digital Relationship Cons:

• Although it may have the illusion of working at first, many couples find that digital communication is not as effective as face-to-face communication; thus causing more fights.

• Many couples use technology in order to communicate because they do not live near each other. If a couple is never planning on living near each other, technology is simply just a means to a heartbreaking end.

• If someone in the relationship works on a computer, they are sure to get tired of looking at a screen after work, even if the screen is filled with the face of someone they like. This could potentially cause resentment that wouldn’t have otherwise been an issue.

Why a Combination Might Be Best

It seems that most agree digital communication does work as long as it is used in moderation. If you know that your other half will be coming home in a few weeks or a few months, then you have a time table. This will help you avoid resenting your partner for making you spend more of your free-time online. Knowing that digital communication isn’t permanent will also help both people realize that their relationship is more than just what they are saying through Skype or through a text message.

It is important to remember that just because you decide to keep the digital communication to a minimum does not mean the relationship can’t work. Many relationships go on to do great after either meeting online or keeping in touch online, but others struggle. Decide what works for you and keep in mind both the pros and the cons to your using technology so often. As long as you are making a conscious decision and have a plan for your use of communication, you can absolutely be healthy and in a healthy relationship!

Have you ever used technology to help keep a relationship alive? Did you find that digital communication helped or hurt your relationship overall?Photo Credit:

Author's Bio: 

Amanda DiSilvestro is a writer on topics ranging from social media to credit card processing . She writes for an online resource that gives advice on topics including errors and omissions insurance to small businesses and entrepreneurs for the leading business directory,