The Immunotec Business

Lately, there has been a lot of publicity on the internet about Immunotec. Immunotec this... Immunotec that... It seems like you can't go anywhere without listening about this company. Immunotec is a health and wellness supplements manufacturer based out of Quebec Canada. Immunotec initially started out as a bio-research firm, but began to cash-in on its immunology research by selling its flagship product, Immunocal.


Immunotec's flagship product, Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum contains precursor cystine which help to produce Glutathione at the cellular level. Glutathione is known to be the most effective form of anti-oxidant known to science as of now. Glutathione counteracts oxidation processes and detoxifies pollutants the cell absorbs through environmental exposure. Immunotec's niche and claim in the health and wellness industry is that their flagship produt boosts the immune system. Aside from their flagship product Immunocal, they also have wide range of supplements for dieting, digestive health, bone health, immune defense, men's health, oral hygiene and vitamins.

The Science & Credibility of Their Products

Immunotec proves their product claims with solid science behind it. Most notable of the Staff Researcher within the company is Dr. Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his role in discovering the HIV virus. Other authorities include Dr. James F. Balch, who spent 30yrs as a urologist and wrote the best seller Prescription For Nutritional Healing and Dr. Wulf Droge, world's most famous immunological research scientist. Immunocal is also listed in Physicians Desk Reference a book which is in every doctor's office across America.

Business Model

Immunotec operates on a MLM or a network marketing business model. MLM or network marketing is a means by which a company markets its goods and services directly to its customers through distributors who are independent representatives of the company. Immunotec is a financially stable company with 15 years of succesfully marketing its products through independent reps.

Compensation Plans

From MLM perspective, Immunotec has a very highly competitiveve plan that matches and even exceeds compensation features that of competitors in the health and wellness category. What is unique about Immmunotec is that it presents its distributors with rich continuing ressidual income and payout that is based on 100% of commissionable dollars. In addition, there are 5 other ways a distributor/rep can be paid and they are: Retail Sales, ImmunoDirect (Automatic Shipment Program), Business Builder Program, Rank Promotion Program and Leader Development Bonuses.

Is Immunotec another Get-Rich-Quick Scheme?

Unmistakably, Immunotec is a legitimate company obeying all laws where it operates and it is definitely not a pyramid scheme. Immunotec is a multinational MLM operating in Canada, United States, Mexico and many other nations. Immunotec is a member of both Direct Selling Association and Better Business Bureau.

My Two Cents As a Immunotec Independent Representative

Thus far, my experience with the company has been amazing. I was introduced to Immunotec business by my best friend after being laid off from a law firm due to LPO (LegalProcess Outsourcing) to India. I was reluctant at first to join the opportunity because I was accustomed to hearing about the stigma, negativity and suspicion that follows the general practice of direct selling. Being a meticulous law professional, I did my due diligence and carefuly researched the company and concluded that this was indeed a legit business opportunity. Since then I trained with the leaders within the company and after 7 months of following the training system , I was financially independent. The leadership and training they provided in this company are phenomenal. The company has forward looking leaders who advocate internet marketing for its distributors. All of the reps starting out receive a customizable replicated website and online retail store for the cost of a start up kit. Immunotec is a growing health and wellness MLM ready to raise billion in sales within next 3-5 years. I would definitely recommend this company for its barnone training, support and for the products that deliver on its promises.

Information about Immunotec: more in-depth immunotec review Immunotec business examined immunotec business

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional network marketer, Blogger and internet marketing expert. I teach network marketers how to generate their own leads using free strategies. Twitter: @famousnetworker