If your business lacks a reliable lead acquisition mechanism, you end up with no leads for your network marketing business. You therefore will not be able to grade and qualify them. This is what results in disappointment and eventual lack of success for the majority Home Business Distributors.

Every business needs leads and prospects in order to thrive. Multilevel Marketing is no different. With the rise in the use of web 2.0 technologies for lead attraction, it is potentially achievable to attract an indefinite supply of prospects for any mlm business.

Reality however, paints a different picture for the majority of MLM business reps.

Whether You Use Web 2.0 To Build Your Home Business Or Not, You Are Using Marketing Strategies

A lot people are of the notion that the days of the "Old School" way of building your network marketing business are over: home meetings, cold-calling and prospecting, writing lists of friends and family and presenting your mlm business opportunity to them, among other practices.

While many people have created meaningful residual income from these “Old School” business-building principles, these strategies do lack efficiency among other things. The “Old School” business-building techniques entail you don't just do them once, but you do them over and over and over again!

You have to keep prospecting and finding ways to acquire new customers for your business offline. Many people clearly do not find success with these tactics.

But There Are A Lot Of Tactics For You To Select To Generate Multilevel Marketing Prospects

The internet does present many interesting marketing strategies for you to use to acquire customers for your mlm business. You have a lot of possibilities just waiting for you: you could use article marketing, social marketing, or paid strategies among the various techniques available to you.

I will break these forms of marketing down for you in brief detail:

Content Marketing Strategy is composed of:
1. Video Marketing
2. Article Marketing
3. Press Releases
4. Gather and other content sites.

Content Marketing does of course consist of many other techniques.

Social Marketing Strategy is composed of:
1. FaceBook Marketing
2. Twitter Customer Generation
3. YouTube Marketing
4. MySpace Marketing
5. Your Blog
6. Network Marketing Business Forums and other similar communities.

Paid Methods are composed of:
1. Pay-Per-Click Marketing - on Google for example
2. Ezines/Solo Ads
3. Banner Advertising
4. FaceBook Pay Per Click Marketing
5. List Builders

A combination of all the above strategies will definitely bring you results. Many successful multilevel marketing business distributors have used these marketing strategies to build hugely successful organizations.

Just How Practical Is Network Marketing On The Internet?

Herein stems a major problem for most mlm distributors just starting out.

If you try to use every technique and strategy outlined above, you will find the going very tiring. You will be frustrated and you will experience "burn out".

It's of utmost importance that you F.O.C.U.S (Follow One Course Until Successful). Alternatively, you can find strategies and tactics you can use synergistically, such as Article and Video Marketing, as well as YouTube Advertising.

Keeping your tasks simpler and more focussed helps you get more done in less time.

This in itself only serves to inspire you a whole lot more.

To not be a part of the large proportion of Home Business owners who find the going difficult, it's important that you maintain consistency and not expect overnight success. All these techniques will either cost you time or money (or both), and this is something you should bear in mind.

Some of these techniques of course, such as Pay-Per-Click, will give you immediate results but most of them have a compounding effect, so patience and perseverance is of the utmost significance.

Now that you have decided on your MLM Prospect Acquisiton Method, what's next?

Becoming The Hunted And Getting Qualified Prospects

To find success with all these tactics however, it's important that you offer EXACTLY what the prospect is looking for.

You can only uncover this by doing your market research, to find out what your "ideal" customer is looking for, and then you go out and offer it to them.

This is how you get to attract your ideal prospect to you! Without this market research and without having the necessary knowledge and Network Marketing education to solve your ideal prospect's problem, you will not be able to offer them what they want; hence you will not be able to attract them to you. Therefore, your customer generation efforts will fail.

The Conversion Every Network Marketing Business Owner Wants: Web Visitor To Prospect To MLM Reps

Now that you know what your prospect wants, and you are offering it to them, and are attracting your customers to your articles and website, you should be leading them to a lead capture page, where you can offer them more value and solutions to solve their problems.

Your lead page should lead them through a follow up email campaign, where you educate and offer them more value.

In so doing, they get to know you, believe you and what you teach and recommend, and they also get to like you. (When was the last time you bought something significant from a someone you don't know?)

This conversion of visitors into leads, reps and sales is based on your capacity to create your very own lead sorting funnel, or your use of a marketing funnel which sorts and grades your customers for you, through a process.

By the time you get to talk to the leads, you know you are talking to highly qualified leads.

With online lead generation systems, you set it once and it works for you all day, every day.

Get onto the boat with the minority of Network Marketers who are doing what the majority are not. Offer value, maintain consistency with your prospect generation efforts, and only get to talk to highly qualified leads.

Author's Bio: 

If you do not have a proven customer attraction technique in place, you will not get any classified prospects and your Multilevel Marketing business will not succeed. Michael T. Makahamadze advises Network Marketing business distributors how to generate leads and implement multiple streams of income in their MLM businesses.