Being a single mother, most of us happen to have a hard time getting into a serious relationship. Almost all the time it always ends up to a short lived love affair.

There are some men who thought that when you are a single mother, you are that desperate to have a relationship and most likely more desperate to have sex.

Most single moms have a lot of experiences when it comes to indecent proposals for quite a few men of different age brackets. But mostly the old married ones are more prominent and more vocal about their desires.

If I am the desperate, maybe I gave in to their proposals. But my pride and dignity gives me more wisdom . Besides, my parents raised me well, they taught me how to survive on my own not depending on someone's help or support. Hence, I can proudly say that I have managed to live my life without a man to help me and support me raising a child.

What I really want to share on this article is that, ladies please don't lower your standards just to be in a relationship. Give yourself the respect you deserve.

In God's perfect time, you'll have someone that you'll love and live with for the rest of your remaining days. So don't put yourself down and be the other woman in a man's life.

Author's Bio: 

Grace Abonillo is graduate of Business Administration major in Economics. But is working under the field of Marketing. Working as a Social Media Manager for a Mobile Solutions company based in Dallas, Texas. Doing some part-time work as a writer and photographer.

Grace is a work-at-home single mother . She is frustrated chef who loves to cook for her loved ones. She loves spending her free time with her daughter watching movies, travelling out of town or simply sleeping at home.