It's true, my commitments have tripled this year - with President of the Chamber of Women in Business, Manager of the Network and Short Courses at the Australian Leadership Foundation, and the launch of my biggest most ambitious program yet with Inner Compass - the Mastermind Retreat - Women's Leadership Program. Plus the IVF thing chugging along in the background.

I'd like to say I've taken it all in my stride and have cruised through it all, but that would be a big, fat fib.

Truth is there have been long days, late nights, conflict and personalities to juggle, and a sense of 'when does it get easier?'

I know a lot of you are feeling the same way.

I've coached a lot of people who are struggling with all their responsibilities - family , job, colleagues, staff, having a life, or even getting a life!

And many of us come to that stage where you feel like saying, "I Quit!" take this job/role/child/house/project/ weight loss program and shove it up your patootie!

Of course you never do.

But wouldn't it feel so good?

I encourage you to indulge that fantasy fully - savour it, feel the purge of frustration and venom, and then let it go.

Now it's time to look at How to Hang in There When You Just Want To Hide Like A Hermit

1. Prune. Seriously now - if you are that frustrated, it's time for you to cut out some of your responsibilities. This is YOUR life, remember? You get to choose how you live it, so if you don't like what's going on, do something about it.

This is the hardest part, so that's why you need number two -

2. Hire a coach. Pruning stuff out of your life brings up a lot of emotional 'gunk' (how about guilt, anyone?). That's why I'm hiring a coach to help me put some order and priorities back in my life. Yes - even coaches need coaches! When you've got a coach on board, it gives you an added ounce of conviction and spirit to do what you know is good for you.

3. Get the heck out of there! If you're ready to explode, get out! Go somewhere for some R & R - preferably somewhere with an expansive view - like the beach, or the mountains. It will bring you out of your head, and back on to the planet with a bigger view of your WHOLE life, not just this snapshot moment of it.

That's why I'm going to the beach!

Author's Bio: 

Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Author Zoe Routh works with women in business to enhance their personal effectiveness and leadership capacity for global effect. For free tips on how to become a more effective leader that will save you time, money, energy, and stress, go to