I never thought that I would ever need to go on a diet . Was very active in sports in high school and very physical in the military. Even after the military I continued to be active. Average weight was 185–195lbs for many years. I'm 6ft tall so that was the normal weight for my height.

Well at the young age of 59 years, went to see my doctor for a physical. There had been weight gain, but what really bothered me was the high blood pressure and my bad cholesterol . Weight was up to 210lbs, but the blood pressure was plenty high. This frightened me to say the least.

Doctor gave me meds for the blood pressure and cholesterol, and now the blood pressure is under control. Still need to check my cholesterol levels. I was satisfied with controlling my sickness with meds until I went in for another physical a year later. Still need the meds for the high blood pressure, but what was concerning me now was the weight. 220lbs was the magic number now.

Looking at myself in the mirror, loving the person I seen but not loving the shape of that person, I decided to do something for that guy in the mirror. Been with him now for 60 years and I didn't like the way he looked.

I started looking at many diet programs. A thought came across my mind, “with so many programs out there, why are us Americans so over weight. Even our children were over weight.” What wrong with this picture? Are all these diets not working? What was the real truth about these diets, why so many and how come they were not working?

I got over weight from eating food. Is food bad for you, or is there a correct way to learn how to eat the correct food to reverse this trend. I didn't want to start taking more meds just to control this problem.

While searching for a solution, I came upon Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This was the solution that I was looking for. This diet was so simple and judging by the popularity of the program, it must be successful.

This program has very simple rules:

You should eat until you feel “satisfied” but never “stuff yourself full”. This rule will make or break your dieting success. Basically, when you finish eating each meal you should “still have some room leftover” ( in your stomach) afterward. You should still have enough room left to eat something else if you want to, but of course you won't be eating anything else.

If you have no room leftover to eat something else then that means you've eaten more than necessary. Always eat slightly less if you're not sure when to stop eating at each meal – but you should always feel “satisfied” after eating of course. You should NEVER starve yourself.

Once you join the site and pay a small one time fee you are taken to a page where you can download the Diet Handbook and The Diet Generator. If you want to lose weight MORE QUICKLY then you click on the Diet Generator to begin using the NEW ON-LINE DIET.

Once you are in the Diet Generator you will see 2 columns of food. You must choose between 7-15 foods from EACH SIDE (for a total of up to 30 foods max). When you've chosen 7-15 foods from EACH SIDE -- then go to the bottom of this form and click the SUBMIT BUTTON. Your diet will be generated instantly.

You get an 11 Day Menu of the foods that you selected. Each day will contain 4 meals that you may eat in ANY Order. This means that you don't have to eat Meal #1 first and Meal #4 last each day. You can switch them around. You must eat all 4 meals on the day they are scheduled though, but you may eat them in ANY Order.

You will follow this 11 Day Menu, and at the end of the 11 Days you may take 3 “Cheats Days” where you can eat ANYTHING YOU WANT for 3 straight days.

Then after the 3 day period you GENERATE A NEW 11 DAY MENU. The new menu will shift foods around differently throughout the 11 Day period, and thus your calories will be shifted around. You are allowed to choose many of the same foods if you wish.

Am I happy about this diet? You bet I am. Am I losing the weight, 13lbs down and falling. I feel great, have gain more energy and look forward to losing more pounds. Right now my body looks UGLY because it's going through a change. This diet really works and it worth every bit of the $40 I spent to receive it. I think they should charge more.

Author's Bio: 

This is a system of eating which is so different from anything else you've ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today? I like to tell you more about this new method of dieting. It's a diet program that I myself have just begun to use. I've only been on it for 7 days at this writing and if nothing else, I can tell you that I really like the way I feel.

In my next article I'll give you more information on the changes that I've noticed in myself. But if you want to know more about the diet itself, you can go to: http://8745c6l0iver3p62y0ob5r5p73.hop.clickbank.net/