There are many reasons why people may have trouble purging things, and attachment is one of the most common reasons of all. It's also one of the most difficult hurdles to overcome, especially if that attachment makes us feel good or feel loved.

If you are feeling this way, don't be alarmed - this is a completely normal reaction! That being said, this reaction can easily spiral out-of-control, and if taken to an extreme, the attachments can become very problematic.

Here are 4 tactics and tools I recommend if you find yourself in this type of situation:

(1) First of all, I recommend that you pick up a copy of the book Buried in Treasures by David Tolin, Randy Frost, and Gail Steketee. It's written specifically for those who need help with compulsive saving. Inside, you'll find lots of instructions, tips, and exercises to help you manage your possessions. Buried in Treasures is such a wonderful resource, that I'd be remiss not to tell you about it! It covers so much that cannot be said in the short span of an article.

(2) I always caution that you don't have to get rid of everything to get organized. If something really is important to you, you don't have to force yourself to toss it out.

I'm not sure how big your "collection" of things happens to be, but if you're running out of room, then...

-- Organize it so that you know what is where, and

-- Arrange to rent a small storage unit, climatized to handle old documents and photos.

(3) I have a feeling, however, that you could downsize, or in the very least, re-arrange some of what you have to give you more space. Perhaps you could...

-- Have your old documents and photos professionally scanned, which will save you the hassle of DIY scanning. It's well worth the investment! Afterward, you can keep the originals of some of the more special items, placing them in an acid-free scrapbook for display.

-- Have some old pics and mementos professionally framed. My mom did a collage with some of her heirlooms (her mom's wedding ring, grandma's hairpin, old photos) and it looks fantastic. With both of these examples - you get these objects out of the box, where you never see them, and into the open, where you can enjoy them all the time.

(4) Consider hiring a professional organizer in your area to assist you, even if it's just for a couple of hours. Although the organizer will not ever make a decision for you on what to keep or toss, he or she will help YOU make decisions. That may just be the push you need.

You can visit the National Association of Professional Organizers for a free local referral:

I know that's just a little information, but hopefully it will get you started to a new, uncluttered you!

Author's Bio: 

Carmen Coker is a former US Air Force officer turned professional organizer. Her business Clutterbugs helps individuals find the motivation and know-how to get organized and stay organized. To learn how to save money, create more space, and manage your time through organization, claim your "FREE Tip Kit: 10+ Pages of Tips and Tools to Help You Get Organized - Finally!" at one of her 3 websites: Home Organization Online , Get Organized! Blog , or Clutterbugs .