Have you ever had a gut feeling about something you should do or some action you should take? I'm going to assume that you have, because what I'm referring to is often called " intuition " and I believe everyone has "it."

Let me give you a personal example. I was recently sitting in my office doing some admin stuff when a good friend came to mind, quickly followed by an intuitive message that I should call her. So, I decided to "follow-up" and gave her a call. When she answered the phone she immediately told me "Wow, it's such a coincidence that you called, as I was just thinking that I needed to speak with you about something that I'm struggling with."

Was this just a coincidence? I don't think so. The more we look for examples like this in our lives, the more we find them.

When I've asked people about their experiences with intuition I've found something that I thought was very interesting (but not all that surprising). Not one person has told me that following their intuition ever led them in the wrong direction. In other words, following-up on their intuition was always the right thing to do at that moment in their lives.

Here are just a few examples of the benefits I've seen while watching people follow their intuition:

1. Developing closer relationships

2. Discovering new opportunities

3. Helping someone in need

One of the things I've noticed about intuition is that we often have intuitive thoughts and feelings, but for some reason we don't follow-up on "doing" what these messages are telling us to do. Some of the reasons this happens are:

1. Believing you don't have the "gift" of intuition

2. Being too busy to "hear" your intuition speaking to you

3. Imagining a negative outcome of taking action

One of the ways you can tell if someone is in touch with their intuition is by watching them do things that seem to be extremely brave. The irony here is that once you learn to trust your intuition, fear doesn't have the same strangle-hold on action that it once may have had in your life. In other words, the more you rely on your intuition, the more you develop faith in its ability to guide you on a daily basis.

Two things you can experiment with to help you get in touch with your innate power of intuition are journaling and meditation .

Journaling allows you to engage in a sort of self-discussion that often helps you see what can't be seen when you simply speak to yourself with an inner dialogue "in your head."

Meditation allows you to quiet the inner noise we all experience, and tune into the subtle thoughts and feelings that lay beyond the busyness of our lives.

In essence, both of these techniques can help you develop awareness for how and when your intuition is "speaking" to you. Then it's simply up to you to trust in the message and follow-up by taking action.

Author's Bio: 

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About the Author: Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at www.coachkim.com.