Forgiveness will give you the freedom you search for. You remain trapped in your heart, your life. You search and search, when all that is needed is the release of a hard heart. What is it that someone can do, that you cannot release to God?
You know, God will search your heart. Allow Him that heals to change your life. What you withhold you do not give to yourself. Your anger, fear and desires are consuming your world. You cannot live in these circumstances.
What was done, is done. By choosing to hold this, you do not release the pain in you heart and you continue to afflict that pain to yourself. What's done is complete, .... you now continue to hurt yourself.
God sees your troubles, your fears and if you would release it to Him, He will dissolve that which is now harming you. You choose to hold on to it, as if somehow it is an attack on the other. But you are only attacking yourself. Release it, and He will send the peace you deserve... to live, love and learn.
Your release will fill the corners of your world with love. Do not bring your past into the future. Leave it, it does not exist. You have the now. Release it. No hour is worth the pain you have already suffered. Release and you will be freed.
You will then show others how to change your mind, your world, your heart. You will lead by example, when all you desire falls into your life.
You only focus on what you think about, and if it is causing pain, it is not of God. Release it. Hand it over to Him and release your heart so He can fill it with Love.
Maria Portas- Discovers And Reveals Greatness In You!