If you are serious about quitting your weed smoking habit there are several ways you can do it. There's no 'one size fits all' approach, but there are particular methods which are more likely to work for different people and their situations. If you'd like to find out more about how to stop smoking weed then read a weed quitters story on this website.

1 - Cold Turkey: good for casual users

If weed is something you only use occasionally this no-nonsense approach could work. Deciding to just stop may be easy, but willpower may be needed in future trigger situations.

2 - Planned reduction: good for regular users

This approach benefits from a built-in preparation period; this is time you can use to create a step by step reduction plan, research strategies to deal with possible withdrawal symptoms, and change habits you associate with smoking weed. Some people choose to time things so they finally quit during a holiday break from work; or make plans to spend time with non-smoking friends.

3 - Rehab or medical help: good for serious users

Rehab may sound like the kind of place only Hollywood stars visit, but there are plenty of clinics around for ordinary people. Some are Government funded, and open to heavy weed smokers who need serious intervention to regain control of their lives. Expect an intense, 24/7, demanding regime. It's not an easy option, but with the right attitude , you have every chance of a good outcome.

If rehab isn't practical then medical supervision and support from your doctor, or other health professionals, could be a good compromise. Although there is no direct alternatives which can be prescribed there are medicines and treatments which ease the symptoms withdrawal brings.

4 - Counselling: good for emotionally dependent users

Physical dependency on weed is a real thing, but the emotional need to smoke marijuana can be just as big of a problem when you try to quit. Emotionally dependent smokers tend to associate weed with relaxing, stress relief, tuning out, coping with boring tasks, or even as necessary to complete any tasks at all. If this is you then quitting is a much about figuring out how to build a life where you can function well without weed, as it is about actually giving it up. The idea of how to stop smoking weed has to be worked into the mind and sometimes expert advice is required to make those steps happen.

A counsellor who specializes in addiction could be an invaluable help in leading you through the process of letting go and discovering a new way of living. This can be an extremely scary process and one which is difficult to do completely alone.

5 - Support Groups and online resources: good for vulnerable users

Some people find it easier to stop smoking weed when they have a comprehensive structure to work with. Working with other people in similar situations can be your best bet if you have the confidence. However, resources like my own: How to Stop Smoking Weed or even wider resoures such as Drug Abuse can be very helpful.

If the religious element puts you off there are free online support groups where you can find a similar kind of support, though obviously those are less structured and don't offer any physical interaction.

Author's Bio: 

Kevin is an ex drug addict, who was addicted to marijuana for years. It started as a light hobby but became an obsession that completely took over his life. After hard work, Kevin managed to make a change and he stopped weed completely in 2016. He now helps many other struggling addicts with quitting weed for good.