How to reduce the workload and increase productivity is one of the most common questions and almost everyone out there with a job are trying hard to find an answer to this question. Now, you might not have Googled it but let’s face it, deep down you do want to know what factors can help increase your productivity at work or how you can impress your boss. However, don’t worry because today this question of yours won’t go unanswered as we will be telling you some of the best practices to boost productivity at work and reduce the workload to the maximum extent.

1-Don’t procastinate
One of the biggest mistake you’ll ever make as an employee is to procastinate, this isn’t going to save you any time in fact, this way you will be adding more burden to your work with each passing day. Set a deadline for all your tasks and then make a target that you have to complete that particular task in the given deadline. This tip can actually help reduce your workload so make sure you follow it.

2-Start your day with a 5 minute meditation
As far as productivity is concerned, you need to make meditation a part of your early morning routine because honestly, meditation can help you a lot with being productive at work. At the end of the day, meditation is all about boosting up the energy levels of your body and at the same time relaxing your mind and your body. Understand the fact that if you wake up every morning feeling scattered and all messed up then this feeling will continue throughout the day which is why you need meditation to relax your mind so that you can focus on work and get productive results.

3-Automate some of the major time consuming processes
If you want to save yourself some time and reduce the workload then you can automate several of your tasks most importantly your emails. With the help of email parse r you can easily automate your business and this can actually help a lot. The best part about automation is that you can eliminate all the unnecessary manual data entry tasks. So, yes do consider this option so that you can be more productive with your time and stay away from all the stress of data entry and receiving emails.

4-Focus on one thing at a time Understand that your brain cannot focus on so many things all at the same time so make sure that you are prioritizing your tasks and focusing on one thing at a time. This way you will have less work stress and the best part is that you will be able to do that one particular task in a more productive way.

5-Involve in morale boosting practices
It is only normal for the brain and body to feel worn out and stressed after some hours of work or repeated cycle of activities, this is why it is important to often involve some spontaneous practices that are lively and fun-filled in a business environment. It’s such a great way to increase productivity as a business owner, employee or even to clients. There so many ideas of fun activities such as creative workshops, employee of the month compensation, service charge bonus, or even distribution of branded promotional items such as custom usb drives , plastic pen and many other cool accessories.

These are some major ways that can help you with your office job and even your daily routine tasks too. So, follow the above mentioned tips and we assure you that you will be able to work in a better way without getting all your energy drained.

Author's Bio: 

Success Coach, Business Development Consultant, Strategist,Blogger, Traveller, Motivational Writer & Speaker