Kissing is one of the essential parts of any intimate session.

Whether we are talking about a hookup session or the primary starter or maybe a first-time kisser, it is crucially important to know how to kiss a girl.

So this segment is dedicated to all the first-time kisser wanting to learn how to kiss a girl and consider it as Kissing – A Beginner’s Guide .

Kissing A Girl As A First-Timer

So, suppose you’re a first-time kisser, and you don’t know how and where to start. Regardless of the situation, the advice for you here is first to identify if she’s interested in you at all or not.

So find it out by flirting with her, and if she responds, that would mean she is genuinely interested.

The next step for you is to test the waters and see if she is up for a kiss time. Well, you may try to get her consent for that.

But, you must also understand that girls like to kiss and girls like confident guys for that.

If you genuinely love the girl, then you have already stepped forward in the cornerstone of being confident enough to kiss her.

But remember, that doesn’t mean to shove your tongues into her mouth while kissing her.

Instead, make it a point to initiate a kiss by holder her hands, giving her warmth, and then giving her a soft smooch to find out how she reacts.

There’s Nothing Cute about Puckering Up.

When we tell that there’s nothing cute about puckering up, we mean it so. Avoid pushing your lips like that when you are kissing a girl on the lips.

However, keep that prospectus open for short smooches to cheeks and foreheads before the big time starts.

Giving your girl a quick peck on the cheek is one great way to start initiating a bond.

So give her a quick peck and show her the signs of commitment and love.

Then carefully lean on, wrap your arms around her waist, and give her a kiss in the most romantic way possible.

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