Do you desire a positive change in your life?

Do you desire a life of health?

Do you desire a life of abundant wealth?

Do you desire a life of fulfilling relationships?

Do you desire a life of peace and contentment?

Do you desire a life of rewarding endeavors and success?

Do you desire a life that is opulent is every way?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then keep reading and discover how to acquire all of these in as little as 5 minutes a day!

Actually 99 out of 100 people would answer yes to all of these questions.

Who doesn’t want more health? Who doesn’t want abundant wealth? Who doesn’t want peace and contentment in their life?

The answer is… everyone wants these things and the one guy who would answer no is so negative with his responses we can throw out his answer.

So if it is true all people desire true wealth in every aspect of their lives and we know it is …why are so many people struggling with health issues… struggling with financial issues… struggling with finding true contentment and meaning in one’s life?

The answer is simple… most people don’t truly BELIEVE they can live a life of opulence!

So what can we do in 5 minutes each day that will deliver the change we desire?

1. Each morning before you get a cup of coffee… before you read the newspaper… before you watch your morning show… find a quiet place in your home and begin giving thanks for all of the wonderful things you have in your life right NOW!! Spend the first 2 minutes reflecting on all of the blessings you have… your children… your health… your eyesight… your ability to breath…your spouse… your job… your home… your friends… your life…the list goes on and on.

2. After you have given thanks for all of your current blessings… begin to envision the life you desire… the life with abundant wealth… the life with extraordinary health… the life of true contentment and peace . For 2 minutes visualize yourself living this desired life… see in your mind’s eye your perfect life! Feel yourself in possession of the life you desire. You must move from positive thinking to positive knowing… know you are attracting your desired life. Remember … what you are wanting and desiring is looking for you as well!

3. During the last minute… ask the good Lord to guide your steps throughout your journey. Be receptive to divine inspiration and then ACT on it! You must take action each day if you are going to transform your life. The last minute will move you from being just a “dreamer” to someone that lives their desired life each and every day.

It is my intention that you take these techniques or strategies if you will and combine them with great effort! With the right strategies and your effort… you can live the life you were destined to experience!

Remember to enjoy your journey and God blesses you!

Author's Bio: 

Mr Flinton has worked in the public school system as a teacher, coach, school administrator, and consultant. He is also the author of "Xtreme Teen Success... Empowering Principles to Ensure Every Child's Success!" and "The Science of Getting Rich for TEENS!"
If you would like additional techniques and strategies to help assist you along your journey then check out