These past years, there has been an alarming increase of people suffering from AIDS. This disease can be prevented if you are aware of the causes and the different AIDS symptoms. Learn about these important information as well as the things that you should do if you already are afflicted with this disease.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a condition that is caused by human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. The disease affects the body’s immune system making the affected person susceptible to infections which are difficult to treat. According to statistics, there are about 33.4 million people who are suffering from AIDS worldwide with about 2.7 million new cases each year. This was first identified in 1981 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. It is said to have originated during the 19th to 20th century in West Central Africa. Because there is no cure yet for this disease, prevention is advocated by health professionals.
There are several ways on how AIDS is transmitted from one person to another. Sexual transmission is the most common one whether it is anal, oral or vaginal. When you come in contact with the preseminal fluid, semen, vaginal fluids and the mucus membranes of a person who has this condition, then there is a high chance that you can get it too. AIDS can also be transmitted through blood products during blood transfusion, sharing used syringes, getting tattoos and piercings and needle pricks from syringes used on an infected person. When a mother is infected with this disease, there is a high chance of her baby to be affected when delivered normally. Babies can also be infected through breastfeeding.
When a person becomes infected with HIV, AIDS symptoms do not show immediately. There are some who will manifest flu-like symptoms such as headache, fever, tiredness and body pains that can last for a few days to a few weeks. These will disappear on their own and you may not show other AIDS symptoms for several years. During this asymptomatic stage that can last for up to ten years, the HIV virus will continue to multiply in the body attacking your immune system. Afterwards, you will then begin to show the various AIDS symptoms which include frequent infections like pneumonia and brain infections, weight loss , coughing, shortness of breath, seizures, difficulty in swallowing, nausea and vomiting, severe diarrhea, confusion and other mental symptoms, loss of vision, fatigue, headaches and eventually, coma.
As what was mentioned, there is no cure for AIDS and the treatment is focused on relieving the different AIDS symptoms as well as preventing new infections. There will be medication therapy, proper diet and nutrition and rehabilitation if needed. For the prevention, you have to remember the methods of transmission. Always practice safe sex by checking if your partner is clean from HIV and by using latex condoms if you are not too sure. Having multiple partners is also not recommended for this increases your chances of having HIV. Do not share needles and do not use prohibited drugs. For health care professionals, always follow the protocols for handling needles and contaminated fluids so as to keep you safe.
Awareness is the key to preventing AIDS. If you are aware of the methods of transmission, the different AIDS symptoms and how you can prevent it, then you can be safe from having this disease.
For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: AIDS Symptoms , Symptoms of HIV and STD Symptoms .