Many people work hard to keep their dental health in check, ensuring that they brush their teeth twice a day and floss once. However, even with all the effort, there are times when we find blood in the sink. You are sure you are doing everything right, so what is going on? If you notice some blood in the sink every time you brush, read on to know what may be happening and how long it will take to heal.

If your gums are red and inflamed, you might be suffering from gingivitis. This is a condition that can cause a lot pain and cause your teeth to rot if left untreated. Gingivitis is not always painful, though, so it might be hard to diagnose if you do not regularly go to the dentist for checkups. But if you recognize that you are suffering from gingivitis and you start treatment immediately, how long will it take before it goes away?

What Causes Gingivitis?

Before anything else, it is important to first define what gingivitis is. This is a kind of gum inflammation caused by bacteria that live and thrive along the gum line. There are many species of bacteria in the mouth, and there is no one kind that causes this condition. The generic term for the various mucus and bacteria in the mouth is plaque.

You have an increased risk at developing gingivitis if you do not practice good oral hygiene. For instance, if you do not brush or floss regularly, you are more likely to suffer from gingivitis. Also, certain individuals are more prone to developing this condition than others. Diabetics, pregnant or menopausal women, and people suffering from leukemia and AIDS are more likely to suffer from gingivitis.

Symptoms of Gingivitis

To start treatment, it is important to first recognize the symptoms. Remember that your gums does not have to be painful for it to be diagnosed as gingivitis. Initially, your gums will be red and swollen, and will likely bleed during toothbrushing. When left untreated, it can lead to yellow or white sores in the mouth.

How to Treat Gingivitis

Now that you are sure you have gingivitis, you might be wondering how long it will take before the bleeding goes away. Generally, your gums will go back to normal in about ten days. Of course, this depends on the severity and its cause. For instance, if you are diabetic and thus at a higher risk of developing gingivitis, you will have to make sure that your diabetes is treated properly, along with the gingivitis. Consequently, if you have vitamin C deficiency, you will have to up your vitamin levels to help treat your inflamed gums and prevent recurring episodes.

There are many ways to treat gingivitis. Helping in your recovery is regularly brushing your teeth , gently massaging your gums and rinsing with a solution of salt and warm water. Also, your doctor might prescribe medication might be helpful to hasten the healing process. However, if your case is more serious, it might take longer than ten days to heal and go away. Depending on the severity, you might have to do deep cleaning or undergo surgery. In very serious cases, a bone graft might be necessary.

The key to quickly recovering from inflamed gums is to catching it early on. Knowing the symptoms, promptly visiting a dentist and following doctor's orders can help you recover in a timely manner. However, the best treatment remains to be prevention. Maintaining good dental hygiene and taking care of your overall health should spare you from inflamed gums in the first place.

Author's Bio: 

Ryan Daniel is a professional Dentist in Castle Hills of Lewisville, The Colony, Tx and genuinely care about the health and well being of teeth and gums. Visit my website: D. Dental