“True happiness ” ….as opposed to false happiness ? Why should we care when both states feel so good? How do we know the difference? Is “true” harder to come by than “false?”One thing is for certain –we all want it. Happiness –contentment- is perhaps even an instinctual drive within this human species. It’s what makes life worth the trouble.

In spite of the general status quo definitions on what happiness is, there are as many different definitions of happiness as there are people. It’s a genuine, subjective experience that can be shared, but only to a certain extent. But there’s no mistaking it. We know it when we’re in it.

The Spice of Life

Happiness is life’s natural opiate. Without it, there’d be little difference between us and the androids. Without happiness there’d be no continuum. There’d be nothing to compare to boredom, or misery, or frustration.

Happiness is that one state of being that connects us to all that surrounds us -perfectly. Colors are brighter. Noises seem more so melodic than random. Life seems to flow as it should.

True happiness relies on nothing but life, breath, and heart. False happiness will be fleeting; will leave when the newness wears off. It will leave us like a high leaves a junkie to crave his next fix.It Only Takes A Moment

We hear so many stories about people who’ve had near death experiences that leave them with a picture-perfect meaning of life. They no longer have questions about what’s important. Somehow their brushes with death have reframed life in bold print. There experiences have given them a desperate need for life –for living- for being.

A life dedicated to hard work, and right standing is a strong and principled pursuit; but without a sense of contentedness throughout, it’s a long lesson in futility.

It only takes a moment to realize that we are alive, and that this moment is ours. In every sense of the word –moment- it is ours. What near death survivors have learned is this moment will pass; regardless of how we feel, or what we do, or what we think. So perhaps finding true happiness is “choosing” true happiness, period.
Authentic Self

Many of us can identify childhood as a time when our freest and happiest moments were had. Childhood is a place where authentic selves are free to roam, and play. No one had to be serious, or respected, or in charge. You just had to “be” -from moment to moment to moment.

It’s that authentic self who holds true happiness. She’s the one who wants to slow life down so she can notice the heartbeat she carries. Her breaths are full, and intentional, making full use of eyes and ears inside each moment, letting her mind rest along the way.

Author's Bio: 

Jacquelyn Jeanty works as a freelance writer of articles, ebooks and plr packages. Jacquelyn’s writing credits include an ebook of poems entitled "The Poetry of Courage" hosted at Lulu.com and at JAJ Publications; 2 original PLR aritlce packages; and a short story site, also hosted at JAJ Publications.

Other accomplishments include: 24-Hour Short Story Contest - Spring 2007 - Door Prize Winner; B.A. in Psychology from Purdue University; worked 10+ years as a caseworker in the social service field. Jacquelyn has also written a mass of aritcles for Ehow.com, which appear on various partner sites across the web.