Protonix is a prescription medicine and belongs to proton pump inhibitor group. It reduces the amount of acid produced in the body. It prevents damage to the oesophagus from the excess acid produced by stomach. It is also used to treat the increased levels of acid generated due to increase in hormone Gastrin. It might be caused by an ulcer in first section of small intestine which can secrete Gastrin causing stomach to produce excessive hydrochloric acid.


Protonix is available in 20 mg and 40 mg strength for adults only.

Is Protonix as effective as other PIPs (Proton pump Inhibitor)?

Protonix is very effective if taken at scheduled times. However, effectiveness can vary from individual to individual; you must consult your doctor and get the prescription for right dosage for you.

Should I stop taking Protonix if my condition is improving?

You should not stop taking Protonix if you have felt that your condition has improved. Your medical condition may not have fully cured and it may worsen again if you leave the medication halfway through the scheduled course.

Difference between Zantac and Protonix?

Zantac is used to prevent ulcers in the stomach whereas Protonix is used to treat high levels of acid in the stomach. You should not interchange the medication without consulting the doctor first.

I have severe headache after having Protonix every time?

Protonix is known to have side effects of Headaches, diarrhea and little stomach ache. However, you must consult your doctor if the side effects worsen up and before they become serious.

I drink alcohol daily in my life along with Protonix, is it fine?

You must check with your doctor to see if you can take alcohol with Protonix. It is generally not recommended to take alcohol with Protonix as it may increase the acid in the stomach.

I don’t like to swallow Protonix; Can I chew or grind the tablet before having it?

You should not swallow or grind the drug before having it as it is designed to slow release in the stomach to counter and treat the acid production in the stomach. You would take Protonix with a glass of water and take care of the diet and only eat diet recommended to you by the doctor. You should also avoid beverages and alcohol while taking Protonix.

I am Pregnant, can I take Protonix?

It is not recommended to take Protonix when you are pregnant. It can harm the unborn baby. You must consult with your doctor for more information.

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