We all have dreams , particularly when we are young and vulnerable. Have you had the experience of telling someone about dreams that you have in your heart, only to have them shoot them down in flames?

They tell you all the reasons why you will fail, or that it can’t be done and will never happen, or that someone else tried that and went broke. Reluctantly you may pack your dream away in some bottom drawer at the back of your mind, making their predictions your reality.

This has happened to me a number of times, more than most, in fact, as I am a big dreamer.

The first time that I can remember was when I was eight or nine years old. I was asked to stand up in class at school to sing a song. I loved singing and thought that I was at least okay. After attempting to sing just the first line, the teacher ordered me to sit down and never sing in his class again. He said that I sang so badly and out of tune that he couldn’t bear to listen.

Now you can imagine the effect of this on a child and in front of the whole class. It is probably true that I do find it difficult to hold a tune. It is definitely not one of my talents. Even so, a couple of years later I was asked to join the church choir, so I must have improved. I didn’t let this teacher completely kill my confidence to sing but even to this day whenever I sing his words come straight into my mind.

My most recent experience was a while ago when I told a friend that my hearts desire was to write articles or books that would help other people. His response was that I was wasting my time, I was unknown, and no-one would be interested in what I have to say.

Although I found this hurtful, I have always been a person who can bounce back and one who would succeed just to prove the naysayer wrong.

But the same isn’t true of everyone and there must be a highway of broken dreams that span around the globe, crushed by the thoughtless and careless words of others.

Being me, it made me even more determined to follow my heart and have a go anyway. To date I have written in many different forms and have had the pleasure of positive feedback from readers or listeners that have enjoyed my work, and who have told me how helpful my words have been to them.

We all have different dreams and would like to share them. I think that we have to be careful to whom we reveal our deepest thoughts and desires. Are they positive people? Can they keep our confidences? Are they encouragers?

These are the type of questions we need to ask, whether family or friends. We need to assess the answers before we impart one word of our ideas.

I’m very blessed to have a friend who is a great encourager and who has proven over many years that she can and does keep my confidences secret. We all need to have a friend like this and I encourage you to find that special person who will be your support and foundation on which your can build your dreams.

Written by Christine Sherborne - For more articles like this visit her web site http://www.colourstory.com

A Free Gift For You - Some of Life's greatest lessons I have learned
Wouldn't it be great if we knew everything when we start out in life? Lessons are often painfully learned and often costly. My hope is that you will read through the lessons that myself and many others have learned from, avoiding the same mistakes in your own life. If you take these seventy lessons on board they will help make your life run more smoothly, giving you a happy and successful life you deserve. http://colourstory.com/Free_Copy_Life_Lessons.php

Author's Bio: 

Christine, is a successful businesswoman with more than twenty five years experience, having owned and run businesses both in New Zealand and the UK, and now in Australia.

She was awarded ‘Auckland Business Woman of the Year’, in 1996, for the remarkable and rapid growth, and success of her packaging company.

Christine originally trained in Art and Design, and later achieved a Diploma in Sales and Marketing. She has used her natural business talents and creative flair to develop innovative and successful business ventures as diverse as packaging, importing, computer sales and manufacturing.

Christine has travelled widely, sourcing product, suppliers, customers and manufacturers for her businesses, giving her a natural empathy, enabling her to negotiate and communicate with a diverse range of nationalities and peoples with confidence.

Being a naturally positive person, she has long been interested in self-help and motivation, and she is widely read in these subjects, using the knowledge gained to help to progress her various business interests.

In her personal life she has experienced major life traumas which have taught her many valuable lessons. Those experiences and how she coped with them, overcame them and restored joy and happiness into her own life, prompted her to write a series of inspirational self-help CDs to help others who may be going through similar traumas.