Every one dreams of having dense, shiny and strong hair. But unfortunately, due to the rise in hair loss contributing factors around the world, achieving the desired look has become difficult.
Hair loss and hair thinning can be triggered by many factors such as genes, medical illness, nutritional deficiency and aging . Hormonal imbalance, physical trauma and unhealthy lifestyle can also contribute to hair loss.
No matter what are the reasons behind, if you are experiencing hair loss or hair thinning, it is really heart breaking, and most of us struggle to cope with it on daily basis. While the pattern baldness is untreatable unless you undergo a surgical hair restoration procedure, you can prevent other types of hair loss and hair thinning by treating the root cause of it. Here are some tips to help you cope with such hair loss.

Have a right hair care routine

When you start experiencing hair thinning or hair loss, try to reconsider your daily hair care regimen. It is important to identify your scalp type before choosing any product for your hair.
• Our scalp consists of many natural oils that are necessary for the growth of hair follicles. People with dry scalps should avoid the volumizing shampoos and conditioners because these dry off the necessary natural oils from the scalp, ultimately causing hair loss. They should use the hair products that are labeled for dry scalps.
• If you are carrying oily and greasy scalp, try to avoid moisturizing, smoothing and nourishing products for washing your hair. Always seek for the product that is volumizing, less nourishing and suitable for oily scalps.
• Avoid using hair styling tools that exert heat on your hair, because exposing your hair to direct heat may damage your hair follicles, leading to excessive hair loss condition.
• Abstain from over-styling your hair: Some tight hairstyles such as braids weave and pulled back hairstyles can lead to Traction Alopecia, a hair-pulling disorder.

Change your life style

It is a possibility that your hair loss or hair thinning problems are related to your lifestyles. Here are few lifestyles changes that you can make to reduce hair loss issues.
• Since stress can trigger so many health issues along with hair loss, taking reasonable measures to reduce the stress is essential in fighting the hair loss and hair thinning problems. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly and deal with any mental stress you may have.
• Some essential nutrients such as proteins, calcium, and iron are building blocks of your hair, and if you are not consuming them in the right amount, hair loss can happen. Eat foods that are enriched with essential nutrients to make sure you are carrying healthy hair.

Go for a suitable treatment

Whether you are suffering from overall thinning or pattern hair loss, the first step towards treating the condition is to identify the root cause of the problem. In this regard, see a hair expert in your vicinity who can help you understand the culprits behind your hair loss and how to deal with them. If you are residing in UAE, you can visit hair transplant Dubai clinic for proper evaluation of your condition.Generally, hair loss and hair thinning concerns are treated with some popular non-surgical treatments including Minoxidil, PRP therapy , laser hair therapy and Mesotherapy. If the hair loss pattern gets severe, a hair transplantation surgery is conducted to restore the hair on your scalp.

Author's Bio: 

Abdul bar is a professional blogger and media representative at the Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic, he writes about hair loss problems and their solutions on different blogs and websites. His aim is to provide information and awareness for different types of hair loss.