Resting on the slopes of the Himalayas, the kingdom of Bhutan emerges as the happiest place on earth. Isolated from the world until the late sixties, this relatively small country has found the recipe for a happy and meaningful life, and it is precisely its happiness levels what measures their personal and collective success. How could this be possible in a country with one of the smallest economies in the world? What could we learn from these people to achieve their state of bliss?

It is notable their reverence to earth, preservation of their culture, and the balance between the material with the spiritual. However, their most valuable assets are collaboration as members the community, they develop self-reliance as one of the main attributes of human nature, the preservation of the cultural values is high promoted, and most important, their main concern is directed to the concern for the needs of people and their well-being. They don’t live on an individual but a collective basis. Their living standards are not measured by GDP’s but GNH’s, Gross National Happiness index. As a consequence, the Bhutanese rank high in economic, environmental, physical, mental, and social wellness . Then, how could we incorporate Bhutan’s happiness philosophy to create a meaningful life?

1.Pleasure – take pleasure in your everyday activities. Do what you love not what you have to do.
2.Engagement – Take joy in the flow of events in your life. Venture in the adventure each day brings with a positive attitude .
3.Relationships – be part of the community, know that we all belong to each other and it is by collaborating that we improve our living. Live through service.
4.Meaning – drive towards a quest for what truly matters; make every day count through positive acts, thoughts, and words.
5.Accomplishments – strive to do and be your best in the attainment of your goals knowing that in achieving them you will be helping your community as a whole.
6.Mindfulness – pay attention to your actions and take time to enjoy and reflect about your path and what you are doing in the now.
7.Abandon – Leave behind your fear and anything that is holding you back. It makes no sense to worry about what’s out of our control. Let go!
8. Happiness – make it your everyday choice! Laugh a lot and share your laughter.

How are your levels of happiness today? Reflect on these questions:

1.Are you pleased with the way you are?
2.Are you highly engaged in your daily activities?
3.Do you feel your life is rewarding?
4.What is your overall opinion about the world?
5.Do you nurture positive relationships?
6.Is life an adventure worth living or are you just passing by?
7.How often do you laugh?
8.Do you find meaning and purpose in everything you do?

In the words of Buddha, “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Author's Bio: 

A native from Puerto Rico, Ms. Norma Casas has been an educator for over twenty years. She is also a Certified Life Coach. She currently resides in the state of Georgia where she has developed her love for traveling and global education as well as her passion for reaching out to women and young ladies in an effort to empower and help them achieve their personal and professional goals.