Success means different things to many people; it can also differ from one culture to another, but one thing is certain, everybody seems to want success in one shape or another. It makes sense because society rewards success of course. It often leads to even more opportunities than you ever imagined before. Think for a moment about how you personally determine success for yourself.

It's important because before you set out on any goals or big dream visions, you should take a few moments to really look deep within yourself. Do you have a plan to be successful? Examine your real motivations and reasons because that could determine how much gas you have in the tank. When the road to success becomes tough and challenging as it often does, you must find ways to overcome obstacles, your internal fortitude and drive within will determine your success.

The first step is visualization; let your mind picture your success. Write down a plan on paper about the necessary steps you need to take; it need not be specific for now, but at least a basic road map. Conduct the necessary research and formulate a timeline to accomplish certain tasks whether it's completing course materials or perhaps attending seminars or workshops. As you complete each milestone, give yourself a reward. Your brain loves rewards, it loves to make you happy.

As you gain confidence in achieving your basic steps, you want to now get more specific about your road map. At this point you have now gained valuable experience which you can now directly apply to your original plan. Consider any changes or updates that you need to make, your mind has been hard at work trying to figure out the best possible avenue. Go ahead and have a brainstorming session and then begin to evaluate the next steps of your plan.

An important factor in attracting success into your life is not only your attitude , but also the attitudes of those around you. Encouragement from a group of like-minded individuals or family and friends goes a long way. Let them know about what you are trying to accomplish and see if they can provide valuable insight or perhaps even strong contacts to assist you. You also want to attend industry events and make contacts with those who are successful in your field already. You may be surprised how much help they are willing to provide you, after all they too were in your shoes once.

Be prepared to make a strong first impression. Try not to sell yourself too hard in the first meeting, your objective is just to develop multiple contacts and gather as much information as possible. Ask successful people how they got there and what they would do differently now. Take the initiative to learn something new every day, your plan does not need to be written in stone, but can evolve over time as you gather more information and much-needed experience. Whenever you encounter obstacles, understand that it's a normal part of life. Remind yourself that it's a long journey and assure yourself you have the gas in the tank to go all the way.

Author's Bio: 

Henry Okwo is the Founder and CEO of SalesGymUSA, a Targeted Sales Training company. Henry is a graduate of University of California, Berkeley where he was a 2-time National Champion. He has over 15 years sales and management experience and has developed a specialized sales training program based on sports performance development. He also conducts a daily mental workout on his blog,