No matter what sport is being played, there is always a right way and wrong way to play the game. In the case of golf, the game comes down to the basic golf swing. The better the player is at putting the golf club on the golf ball, the lower their score is going to be. Of course, learning to do that is no small task. The basic golf swing often violates the kinetics of how the body normally functions. After factoring in the notion a golfer is trying to hit a golf ball with a “sweet spot” on the club of about one inch, it becomes easier to understand why so few individuals can make a living with a golf club.

The Basic Golf Swing
Due to several different factors, everyone is going to end up with a unique golf swing. However, the process of learning the basics will help to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. In order to better understand the basic golf swing, the function needs to be broken down into four components. Those components are the setup, the take away, the ball approach and the follow through.

The Setup

The setup is the one component that should be universal among all golfers because there is only one right way to do it. The golfer needs to stand with their feet shoulder width apart and the ball teed up a comfortable club’s length away, requiring only a slight bend in the back to reach the ball. For the grip, let the club rest in the palm of the lead hand (left if right-handed, right if left-handed). Now, fold the hand over the club so the thumb comes to rest directly on top of the club. Using an overlapping grip, grab the club with other hand while covering the thumb with the palm of that hand. At this point, the arms should be relaxed and weight evenly distributed.

The Takeaway

Too many moving parts will result in a bad swing. Many beginners want to yank the club backwards, which leaves the body out of position throughout the entire swing. For the proper takeaway, swing the shoulders backwards in a smooth flowing motion without moving the outside hip (right for right-handed, left for left-handed). The club-face should remain square with the target at all times.

The Ball Approach

In order to meet the ball on the sweet spot, the club has to arrive on target. The only way this is going to happen on a consistent basis is if the body is balanced and there has been a minimum of moving parts. At the pinnacle of the back-swing, release the inside hip and let it pull the club towards the ball. At this point, there should only be a slight bend in the inside knee. Remember to pull the club through the ball with the lead hand while keeping the head down and the eyes on the ball.

The Follow Through

After making contact with the ball, keep the club moving forward in a perfect arc. The outside shoulder should force the face up until it is pointing directly at the target. Finally, the club should come to rest over the head parallel with the ground.

By following these basic concepts, any golfer can learn to deliver the ball down the fairway on a consistent basis. The distance will tend to improve once the golfer becomes more comfortable with applying the basic golf swing on a consistent basis.

Author's Bio: 

Leon Edward is the Mind Power Expert Author at SelfGrowth and while most of his articles are focused on Cognitive health for personal growth and top mental performance in business and health, he also is a fan of the game... optimizing our mind for success on the golf course is a passion as well. Disabled now himself, helping others at this mental state and positivity is a purpose.

Download or pick up a copy of his book on this by clicking Click,

Leon Edward's , The Golf Mindset: Mastering Mental Toughness on the Course is a comprehensive guide that provides golfers with the tools and strategies needed to develop a strong and resilient golf mindset. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this book can help you improve your mental game and achieve your full potential on the course.


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