A conventional 'hard copy' press release is a brief document generally one to three double-spaced type written pages announcing news about your company, product or service to media professionals. For example; it has to be kept in mind that email press releases should be shorter in length and they should never be enclosed as attachment to the email but should be placed in the body of the email sent. Formatting your press release writing is therefore of vital consequences.

Features of High Quality Email Press Release Writing That Would be Effective

To be effective like other press releases, the email press release writing needs to be impressive as well. Learning a few facts about it would help the prospects of getting publicity through email press releases.

Email press releases are usually confined to 300-500 words at most;
The text is organized in three or four short paragraphs that are concise and informative; and
Inverted pyramid structure of the press releases is also followed in email press release writing.

Inherent Problems of Email Downloading Software That You Should Know

Email software allows the user to determine and control the size of email receipts.

However, most of the users never change the default setting of their email software which may result in truncating long messages;That is why it won’t be prudent sending long messages in form of email press release writing; and
In many cases the long messages would be ignored by readers who are editors, journalists, and reporters as they lack to the time to invest for the purpose.

How to Attract Attention to the Graphics and Images in Messages

Very often press release writing may contain graphics and images and it may not be possible sending them in the body of the mail.

It would be a good ploy to float them on the web so that the reporters, editors, or journalists can easily access them after getting information about their existence from your press release.
For the purpose, providing a link from the email message to such sites will help.
Never ever send any attachment as the readers won’t like downloading them.

Information That Should be Provided in the Press Release Writing

Some of the information that needs to be included in your email press release writing is as follows.

If any online survey has been conducted recently on the enterprise, its products, or services, then the results of the same;
Any awards or recognition that has been recently earned by the enterprise;Contact information at the end of the email; and
Links to relevant pages where further information would be readily available.

And never overlook to give an attractive and informative subject header and to answer the five Ws and 1H; who, what, when, why, and where and how in your email press release writing.

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We are providing our clients with high-quality Article Writing, ebook writing, website content writing, Newsletter writing, blog writing and Press Release Writing . If you are in need of a serious Press Release Writing Services , please feel free to visit us at BlueBirdWritingServices.com.