We have heard the phrase, “God doesn’t make junk,” but do we realize how divinely equipped we each are? Do we wake up in the morning and see a reflection of God’s best work in our mirror, or do we focus on the negative? Do we see only the things that we would like to improve in our lives instead of the gifts we innately have? So often, we see only those few pounds of weight that never seems to leave us or the friend that doesn’t call anymore or that big break that never seems to come. We can magnify these negative things until they become beliefs, and fear is nourished by negative beliefs.

I have caught myself being pulled into that way of thinking, but my higher consciousness, or, as I like to say “my smarter self,” knows nothing positive will come of it. That’s when I remind myself that we are all “divinely and wonderfully made.” Until I accept this as fact, I am starving the Spirit and standing in my own way.

In my profession, I help people overcome one of the biggest fears known to man: the fear of public speaking and its dear cousin: fear of speaking on camera. Fears are created and conquered in the mind first therefore; the biggest obstacle to overcoming the fear of speaking on camera or in public is the belief that we are not ready. It is my job, and my good pleasure, to show people that if they have the desire to share their message with an audience, then they are probably already divinely equipped to do just that.

When we stand in our own way, we stand in the way of what could be God’s plan for us. So, what does standing in our own way really look like in the mind? Here are few things I’ve learned along the way in overcoming my own obstacles and in working with others:

» Fear of not being accepted, based on how we look.
» Fear of not being accepted, based on the message we are bringing.
» Fear of not being perfect in our presentation, and guess what? Not being accepted. We have all heard the acronym, “F.E.A.R. as False Evidence Appearing Real.” So here’s the good news about conquering those fears we’ve been discussing: they are all false until you believe them!

Previously I mentioned my belief that if we have the desire to share a message about something, then there is already a natural ability given to us to connect to exactly the audience that needs to hear it. I absolutely believe in preparing your skills as a communicator, and that there is great value in researching your target audience… this way you are sure to be reaching those that are most ready for what you are offering. These are things that a professional media trainer or coach can assist with. While there is true value in learning the art of speaking, the foundational strength to any charismatic communicator is the passion for their subject and the authenticity with which they share that passion . Any training on the art of presenting is icing on the cake, but the batter is made of basic ingredients: passion and authenticity.

Here are a few tips to consider when preparing for an opportunity to speak that may help alleviate some fear and increase confidence:

» Show your passion: If you are not passionate about the subject you are speaking about… find a way to be passionate about it or think about speaking on subjects that bring you more joy.
» Be a giver: Find confidence in what you are offering. Know that you are bringing something good to others, and you will be enriching their lives. Show them how your life has been changed by your service, your journey, your product, whatever it is at the heart of your message. By sharing what comes form your heart, you will connect to theirs.
When you allow your passion, and your purpose to be a gift to others, you have no room for the negative thoughts that create fear. One of my business coaches said, “When you enter a dark room, and flip a light switch, the light dispels the dark with out us even questioning how.” You are divinely equipped so, flip the switch and allow your true light to dispel your fears.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Dee Robinson has spent nearly all of her life in front of a camera: as an actor (including Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Secret Life of an American Teenager and TV movies) and as a TV host and product spokesperson. For the past several years, Sandra has been coaching entertainment reporters and television hosts and she founded Charisma on Camera to expand her clientele to professionals in any field. Her current clients include authors, life coaches, politicians, business men and women that want to solidify their presentation as a platform to establish themselves as an expert guest, successful speaker or even host their own show. Sandra loves finding the hidden "gems" in each individual that can magnetize an audience, and watching her clients¹ confidence on camera soar as they polish their personal brand for TV success.