Looking at the Sunday obituary page recently, I noticed how many people near my age are passing away. A wave of dread flowed through me and I thought: What if I only have a few years left?

I’ve always wanted to be a Centenarian. And,I’ve always thought that saying out loud that I want to live a long and healthy life to 100 or beyond would help make it come true. But, what if I don’t make it? What if I only have a short time left on the planet? What would I regret?

My answer came quickly and without any hesitation. I would regret living in fear.

Being afraid to dance and sing while others watch; afraid of what others might think of me if I do something silly; afraid to rise up to the challenges of my business … what if I fail? And, being afraid of showing others how much I care for them and the difference they’ve made in my life. How sad is that?

But the joke is that FEAR is really F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s just not real. What wonder could I experience during my life if I were to just let go of the fear. I mean, it’s not real anyway.

What makes you the most afraid? What are the things that you would regret doing or not doing or not saying? What if we don’t have decades to “get it right”? What if we only have today?

Me? I’m going to use my fear of regret to motivate me to make the necessary changes to live up to my full potential. Now, that’s what I call a good use for fear.

Vickie Griffith

 Speaker (NSP), Certified Hypnotist, EFT Practitioner 

Free report on how to start healing today.... www.break-through.org/5words.html

Author's Bio: 

Vickie is nationally respected as the Tap Instructor, assisting you to tap into the power within to realize your brilliance in your life, business and health. She is a speaker, Certified Hypnotist, EFT Expert. She creates a contagious energy as she speaks, coaches, and conducts workshops.