Not Getting The Results From Your Exercises For Abs?

As most of you should know, not all exercises were created equal. That's probably the reason why many of you have spent hours at the gym but not seeing the results you're after. Especially after all the hard work you've put in. Don't worry, you're not alone. The thing that most guys do, is sign up for a gym membership and head straight over to the weights section to hopefully work towards getting those great looking abs.

I'm sorry if I have to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you spend a little time determining which exercises are going to be most effective for building those abdominal muscles, you won't be getting any great results. You can train every day for the rest of your life and not see any results. Keeping that in mind, I've included some tips for you to remember when working on your chosen exercises for abs.

What Makes A Good Set Of Exercises For Abs?

1. Concentrate most of your workout on weight training as opposed to cardio. When you go through a cardio workout, you're metabolism is increased for only a few hours after you've finished your workout. Compare this with a weight training session where your metabolism is increased for 1 or 2 days after your workout. This is important because you want to reduce your overall body weight and have no excess fat sitting over your abdominal muscles hiding those great abs that you're trying to work on.
2. Use multi-joint exercises instead of single-joint for all your workout sessions. You will get a better overall response from your body when working on a multi-joint exercise . As you're using larger amounts of muscle, you'll be burning more calories and stimulating a larger release of muscle building / fat burning hormones.
3. Use free weights instead of machine weights wherever possible. When you work with free weights, they allow your body to move along its natural flow of motion. However, when using a machine, the machine is doing all this for you, restricting your motion path and neglecting your stabilizing muscles. Not good after prolong periods of time.

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I hope you find these tips useful and introduce them into your ab workout. If you're really serious, I suggest you head over to this page if you're looking for some really good exercises for abs.