We all have them in our back pocket. You know the ones that seem to rear just at the right time to enable us to think that we are choosing the right option and that our goals will eventually find their way into our lives no matter what. Wrong! Creating justifications for how you can’t workout today, explaining to yourself how it just isn’t a good day, or defending to you why tomorrow will be a better option are all that…Excuses.

Get over them, put them aside and stop using their role in your life to continually stop you from reaching your goals. Exonerate their power, pardon their intrusion and do the right thing to increase your likelihood of living a healthier, lighter lifestyle. Who can make the transition from pardon to participation? You can. Who holds the key to success? You do. When can you begin to change your life? Now. Yes, today. Relinquish the excuses and begin to walk the walk and take the steps that will entirely behoove your goals and ambitions in the weight loss department. Here’s the bottom line; if you do not take 100% responsibility for your dreams and drop the excuses nobody will do it for you. Here is a glimpse into some of the possible deterrents in your life:

~I do not have enough time in my schedule.
~I do not like exercise .
~I am not good at exercising.
~I do not like the gym.
~I do not have any sneakers or workout clothes.
~I do not feel like it today.
~It is not convenient.

There’s no effortless way to produce the results you desire, there’s no pill, no potion, no amount of money that can buy you life contentment; it’s all about you and your actions. Awareness holds a million answers. Look and they shall appear. Dismiss your excuses and begin living the life you are searching for. It’s up to you, my dear.

Author's Bio: 

Nothing brings me greater pleasure in life than to assist women on their journey toward better health, enhanced fitness and molding a lifestyle to one that meets their expectations. Coaching Lovely Ladies is a enormous passion of mine and I am completely honored to be able to assist each and every Lovely Lady on their travels of a happy, organized, active, balanced lifestyle. I coach real women who are willing to take real action and reap real results.

Women’s Health and Fitness Coach